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Protect Your Rights
Missouri Government Agencies

Please select a topic below to jump directly to the corresponding agency:

  1. Discrimination/Harassment
  2. Safety & Health (workplace health & safety complaints and information)
  3. Unemployment Insurance
  4. Wage and Hour/Labor Standards Violations
  5. Workers' Compensation (for job-related injuries or illness)


For more information about filing a discrimination or harassment claim in Missouri, see our page on filing a discrimination complaint: Missouri

Discrimination/Harassment - State Agency

Missouri Commission on Human Rights (MCHR)

Jefferson City - Main Office
P.O. Box 1129
3315 West Truman Boulevard
Jefferson City, MO 65102-1129
Phone: (573) 751-3325
Fax: (573) 751-2905
TDD: (573) 526-5091

Kansas City
4049 Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 150
Kansas City, MO 64111
Phone: (816) 889-5100
Fax: (816) 889-5107
TDD: (816) 889-5106

108 West Center
Sikeston, MO 63801-3040
Phone: (573) 472-5320
Fax: (573) 472-5321
TDD: (573) 472-5223

St. Louis
505 Washington
St. Louis, MO 63101
Phone: (314) 340-7590
Fax: (314) 340-7238
TDD: (314) 340-7803

Toll-free Discrimination Complaint Hotline (messages checked weekly): (877) 781-4236

Relay Missouri:
Voice: (800) 735-2466
TDD: (800) 735-2966

Web Address: http://labor.mo.gov/mohumanrights

2.Safety & Health (workplace health & safety complaints and information)

Agency Description/Mission: The 11-member Commission provides equitable and timely resolutions of discrimination claims through enforcement of the Missouri Human Rights Act. It develops, recommends and implements ways to prevent and eliminate discrimination in the workplace, public accommodations and housing. Discrimination can be based on race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, physical/mental disability, age and familial status.

Discrimination/Harassment - Local Offices of Federal Agency (EEOC)

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

Kansas City Area Office
Gateway Tower II
400 State Ave., Suite 905
Kansas City, KS 66101
Phone: (913) 551-5655
TTY: (913) 551-5657

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

St. Louis District OfficeGateway Tower ll
4000 State Ave.
Suite 905
Kansas City, KS 61101
Phone: 1-800-669-4000
TTY: 1-800-669-6820

For more information about this agency, see the EEOC section of our page on federal agencies

3. Unemployment Insurance

Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA)

Kansas City Area Office
Two Pershing Square
2300 Main Street, Suite 168
Kansas City, Missouri 64120-2416
Phone: (816) 483-9531
Fax: (816) 483-9724
Toll Free (Missouri Residents Only): 1-800-892-2674
Voice Mail: (816) 483-9542

St. Louis Area Office
Robert A. Young Federal Building
1222 Spruce Street, Room 9.104
St. Louis, Missouri 63103
Phone:(314) 425-4249
Voice Mail: (314) 425-4255
Fax: (314) 425-4289
Toll Free (Missouri Residents Only): 1-800-392-7743
Voice Mail: (314) 425-4255

Missouri Department of Labor and Industrial Relations

Division of Employment Security
421 East Dunklin St.
PO Box 59
Jefferson City, MO 65104-0059
Fax: (573) 751-4945
Information: (573) 751-3215
E-Mail: esuiclaims@labor.mo.gov

Web Address: http://www.labor.mo.gov/DES/

Information for Workers

On-Line Claims Filing System

4. Wage and Hour/Labor Standards Violations

Wage and Hour/Labor Standards - State Agency

Missouri Department of Labor and Industrial Relations

Division of Labor Standards
3315 West Truman Boulevard, Room 205
P.O. Box 449
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0449
Phone: (573) 751-3403
Fax: (573) 751-3721
Toll-Free: (800) 475-2130
E-Mail: LaborStandards@dolir.state.mo.us

Web Address: http://labor.mo.gov/dls

Agency Description/Mission: The Missouri Division of Labor Standards provides information about workplace issues, and enforces certain labor laws within the state. The Division can help provide information about worker safety and health, mine safety, complying with laws about child labor, prevailing wage, minimum wage, overtime and dismissal rights, as well as many other general workplace issues.

Wages and Workplace Standards

Frequently Asked Wage & Hour Questions

Wage and Hour/Labor Standards - Local Offices of Federal Agency (DOL)

U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)

ESA Wage & Hour Division

St. Louis District Office (Eastern Half)
1222 Spruce Street
Room 9.102B
St. Louis, MO 63103-2830
Phone: (314) 539-2706
Fax: (314) 539-2723

Kansas City (KS) District Office (Western Half)
Gateway Tower II
350 State Avenue
Suite 1010
Kansas City, KS 66101
Phone: (913) 551-5721
Fax: (913) 551-5730

For more information about this agency, see the U.S. Department of Labor section of our page on federal agencies

5. Workers' Compensation (for job-related injuries or illness)

Missouri Department of Labor and Industrial Relations

Division of Workers' Compensation
3315 West Truman Boulevard, Room 131
PO Box 58
Jefferson City 65102-0058
Telephone: (573) 751-4231
Toll-Free Employee Hotline: (800) 775-2667
Fax: (573) 751-2012
E-Mail: Workerscomp@dolir.state.mo.us

Web Address: http://labor.mo.gov/DWC/

Agency Description/Mission: The Division of Workers' Compensation works with employers and employees regarding workplace injuries and illnesses. Many Missouri employers are required by law to carry workers' compensation insurance for employees. Workers' compensation insurance provides financial assistance to workers injured on the job. The Division helps ensure that those injured workers receive appropriate medical treatment and payment of compensation for lost wages.

Information for Employees

Frequently Asked Questions for Employees

Filing a Claim for Compensation

Handling Disputes with Employers

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