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Eye on the Election

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News about the 2004 Presidential election and the candidates' stand on labor and employment issues.

Huge Union Decides to Endorse No One Now

Source: Rachel L. Swarns, New York Times

Candidate/Organization: Howard Dean, Richard Gephardt & John Edwards

Date: September 11, 2003

Torn between the longtime favorite and two fresh faces, the largest union in the A.F.L.-C.I.O. decided today

not to endorse any of the nine Democratic hopefuls for the presidency for now. Officials at the union, the

Service Employees International, said the 1,500 members at a convention here ranked former Gov. Howard Dean of

Vermont; Representative Richard A. Gephardt of Missouri, a longtime labor supporter; and Senator John Edwards

of North Carolina as the top three contenders. The decision reflected uncertainty about Mr. Gephardt, whom many

union members consider as having the best record on labor issues but who has struggled to raise campaign money.

It also reflects growing support for Dr. Dean, who was mobbed by enthusiastic union members.

In Iowa, Gephardt Struggles to Keep a Key Constituency

Source: Terry Neal, Washington Post

Candidate/Organization: Richard Gephardt

Date: September 17, 2003

One by one, Iowa's labor unions lined up behind Rep. Richard A. Gephardt (Mo.). The

machinists. The steelworkers. The Teamsters, among others. In Iowa, where stress over America's shrinking

manufacturing base runs high, they all said Gephardt was the guy who could best represent their interests in

the White House. But then something surprising happened. Polls started showing that former Vermont governor

Howard Dean had moved ahead of Gephardt in Iowa. Even more shocking was this: One poll showed Gephardt trailing

Dean in union households. How could it be that a virtual unknown from a tiny New England state could be leading

the well-known pol from nearby St. Louis, who has led his party in Washington for years and stood up to both a

Democratic and a Republican president on a host of trade of issues?

Firefighters Union Will Throw Support to Kerry, Officials Say

Source: Steven Greenhouse, New York Times

Candidate/Organization: John Kerry

Date: September 19, 2003

The International Association of Fire Fighters will endorse Senator John Kerry

for president next week, union officials said yesterday, making it the first union to endorse a Democratic

presidential candidate other than Representative Richard A. Gephardt. Harold Schaitberger, the firefighters'

president, declined to discuss his union's plans, but labor leaders who have talked with him said the union

would back Mr. Kerry because its leaders thought the senator was the most electable Democrat. The

firefighters' endorsement, which is expected to be announced on Wednesday in Washington, is bound to hurt Mr.

Gephardt's efforts to win the coveted endorsement of the A.F.L.-C.I.O., union leaders said.

Text: Democratic Candidates Debate

Source: Washington Post

Candidate/Organization: all ten Democratic candidates

Date: September 25, 2003

Contains the full

text of the Democratic Candidates Debate held in New York on Sept. 25, hosted by Brian Williams.

Unions Put Democratic Endorsement Plans on Hold

Source: Leigh Strope (AP), FindLaw Legal News

Candidate/Organization: multiple Democratic candidates

Date: September 29, 2003

Organized labor has yet to organize when it comes to choosing a Democrat to challenge President Bush.

Late entrant Wesley Clark is shaking up the process even further, with some key unions delaying endorsement

plans to see if he energizes voters. Many unions had expected to endorse a 2004 choice this month or next, but

they became wary about getting tied to a loser in a volatile contest with a crowded field that has seen the

early front-runner trip and a once-afterthought soar. Enter Clark - and intrigue for several unions whose

rank-and-file have failed to coalesce around one candidate. Will the retired four-star general be the savior

leading Democrats back to the White House? Or will he flame out? Some unions are taking time to find out.

AFL-CIO Not Ready to Make White House Endorsement

Source: John Whitesides (Reuters), Forbes.com

Candidate/Organization: Democratic candidates

Date: September 30, 2003

The nation's largest labor organization said Tuesday it was not ready to make an endorsement in

the Democratic presidential primary race, dealing a setback to Missouri Rep. Richard Gephardt. AFL-CIO

President John Sweeney said he would not call a general board meeting for mid-October, where leaders of the

federation would have considered endorsing a candidate.

Gephardt Won?t Get Early Backing of Labor

Source: Steven Greenhouse & Rachel L. Swarns, New York Times

Candidate/Organization: Rep. Richard Gephardt

Date: October 1, 2003

The A.F.L.-C.I.O. announced yesterday that it would not endorse a Democratic

presidential candidate this month, dealing a sharp setback to the campaign of Representative Richard A.

Gephardt of Missouri. After meeting with other union leaders in Washington, John J. Sweeney, the A.F.L.-C.I.O.

president, said he was canceling an endorsement meeting planned for Oct. 14 because he could not muster the

two-thirds support Mr. Gephardt needed to obtain the federation's coveted backing. Nor was there a consensus

on anyone else in the crowded Democratic field. For years as House Democratic leader, Mr. Gephardt has been a

staunch ally of organized labor, and his aides hoped that an October endorsement would give him a lift going

into the winter primary season. It would have given him labor's imprimatur and provided hundreds of union

officials to work for him across the nation during the primaries and caucuses.

White House Facing Revolt Within GOP

Source: Robert Kuttner, Boston Globe

Candidate/Organization: President Bush

Date: October 1, 2003

In just a few weeks the political tide has turned dramatically against

President Bush. His popularity ratings have dipped below 50 percent. His policies are under fire on the Iraq

war, the economy, and the budget mess. Moreover, Bush is facing an escalating revolt from within his own party.

A little-noted indicator is that Republican senators and House members are no longer willing to take unpopular

votes merely because the White House demands them. Lately the administration has lost several key votes that

were billed as Republican tests of loyalty:

Dems Blame Unemployment Woes on Bush, but Some Economists Disagree

Source: Christine Hall, Cybercast News Service

Candidate/Organization: all candidates

Date: October 1, 2003

News of layoffs and high unemployment make headlines and give Democratic

presidential candidates talking points. Missouri Rep. Dick Gephardt, for example, has accused the Bush

administration of presiding over "the worst jobs record since Herbert Hoover." The Bureau of Labor and

Statistics reported last week that 134,000 workers were laid off last month in 1,258 mass layoffs (of more than

50 workers in a single month). Meanwhile, unemployment is 6.1 percent, according to the BLS, compared to 4.5

percent five years ago. But economists like Robert D. Reischauer of the Urban Institute, a former CBO director,

say the president isn't to blame.

Gephardt's Labor Roots Run Deep

Source: Ed Tibbetts, Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier

Candidate/Organization: Richard Gephardt

Date: October 6, 2003

Now, with this likely to be his last stab at politics' biggest

prize, Richard Gephardt is melding his familiarity with the byways of America's politics with a hefty health

care plan to try to seize the party's presidential nomination. It's not easy. The field is crowded. A guy few

heard of a year ago --- Howard Dean --- is setting fire to the grass roots. Gephardt's second quarter

fund-raising totals were disappointing. But, the Missouri man who first won elected office as a St. Louis

alderman in 1970 by going door-to-door --- working one side of the street while his soon-to-be wife worked the

other --- is marching forward.

Handcuffed to the Economy

Source: Richard W. Stevenson, New York Times

Candidate/Organization: all candidates

Date: October 4, 2003

Aides to President Bush say he is willing to make big bets on policies he believes in. When it comes to the

economy, Mr. Bush has been like a gambler, pushing through one tax cut after another despite early signs that

his policies were not stopping big losses of jobs. On Friday, Mr. Bush was finally able to point to evidence

that his approach had results. The news that the economy had added 57,000 jobs in September and that during the

summer it had not lost as many as previously estimated was the first sign since January that the so-far-jobless

recovery was giving way to a slowly improving employment situation. Still, in the time since Mr. Bush took

office and the three tax cuts were passed, the economy has lost 2.8 million jobs. That fact remains an

uncomfortable obstacle to his claims of progress in recovering from the recession, which started two months

after he moved into the White House but ended nearly two years ago.

Edwards Carries Message on Training, Employment

Source: Tim Funk, Charlotte Observer

Candidate/Organization: Sen. John Edwards

Date: October 7, 2003

Sen. John Edwards

said Monday that as president he'd push to give community colleges a total of $100 million a year to retool

job retraining programs that often fail to teach laid-off workers the skills that are in demand. On day two of

his latest swing through this key early-primary state, the N.C. Democrat brought his campaign to New Hampshire

Community Technical College -- a model, he said, of how a school can have such a hand-in-glove relationship

with businesses that re-trained workers graduate into actual jobs. Its partners include Toyota and Lonza

Technologies, a biotechnology company.

Gephardt Meets with Unemployed Workers, Labor Leaders

Source: Jennifer Holland (AP), Sarasota Herald-Tribune

Candidate/Organization: Rep. Richard Gephardt

Date: October 6, 2003

Democratic presidential hopeful Dick Gephardt promised to bring jobs

back and create fair trade as he saw the many faces of South Carolina's unemployed Monday. The 62-year-old

Missouri congressman campaigned in some of the state's economically distressed areas including Fairfield

County, beset with the loss of high-paying jobs and a 14.5 percent unemployment rate in August. "This economy

is a mess," Gephardt said as his criticism of President Bush and the North American Free Trade Agreement echoed

throughout the large gymnasium at a recreational center where about two dozen gathered in a semicircle of


Labor Union Backs Gephardt for President

Source: Sam Hananel (AP), Newsday

Candidate/Organization: Rep. Richard Gephardt

Date: October 10, 2003

One of the nation's largest labor unions will back Dick Gephardt in the

Democratic presidential race, giving the candidate more foot soldiers in his White House bid. The United Food

and Commercial Workers International Union, which represents about 1 million workers in the United States,

plans to endorse Gephardt based on his broad plan for universal health care. Gephardt's proposal is "the best

plan for preserving the employer-based health care system in this country," union spokeswoman Jill Cashen said

Friday. The UFCW includes workers in the retail food, meatpacking, poultry and health care industries.

Gephardt Builds on Already Solid Ties to Labor

Source: Mike Glover (AP), San Francisco Chronicle

Candidate/Organization: Rep. Richard Gephardt

Date: October 11, 2003

Democratic presidential hopeful Dick Gephardt nurtured his already solid

ties to organized labor Saturday, building on a constituency that could make the difference in Iowa's leadoff

precinct caucuses. Gephardt rallied with Teamsters president James Hoffa, collected the endorsement of the

United Food and Commercial Workers Union and said his close ties with labor are crucial to Iowa's

organization-driven caucuses.

Rhetoric Vies With Reality on a Hot Topic: Jobs

Source: David Leonhardt, New York Times

Candidate/Organization: all candidates

Date: October 12, 2003


-- the loss of them over the past three years and plans for creating them in coming years - have moved quickly

to the center stage of the young presidential campaign. President Bush and his aides refer to the recent tax

cut, almost without exception, as the "jobs and growth" package. Howard Dean, the former Vermont governor

seeking the Democratic nomination, said on Wednesday that he expected jobs to be the race's biggest issue.

Senator Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut, another Democratic candidate, interrupted himself in a recent

debate to announce, "This is all about jobs." With the attention has come an escalating battle between the

parties to define the terms of the debate and the numbers used in it. To no one's surprise, that battle

includes some hyperbole.

New Labor Alliance Looks to Help Gephardt

Source: Brian C. Mooney, Boston Globe

Candidate/Organization: Rep. Richard Gephardt

Date: October 17, 2003

More than a dozen national labor unions supporting Representative

Richard A. Gephardt announced yesterday they are banding together to form a group that will promote his

candidacy for the Democratic presidential nomination. At a news conference in Washington, the labor leaders

said the new group, called the Alliance for Economic Justice, will seek special status under the Internal

Revenue Service code to spend union money to communicate with members and promote key labor issues and

political candidates. Donald J. Kaniewski, legislative and political director of the Laborers' International

Union, said later the group will support Gephardt's candidacy in the short term but also has a long-term

agenda of emphasizing job preservation, foreign trade safeguards, and affordable health care.

With Health Insurance, Democratic Candidates Have Got It Covered

Source: Ceci Connolly, Washington Post

Candidate/Organization: Democratic presidential candidates

Date: October 20, 2003

In the end, when it comes to health care, all things are personal. At an AARP

forum last week, six of the nine Democratic presidential candidates filled the better part of two hours talking

health policy minutiae with several hundred Iowa seniors. They had no trouble tossing around

multibillion-dollar projections and Medicare reimbursement rates. But a few appeared to have been caught off

guard when Hotline Editor Chuck Todd asked what health insurance each had.

A Bright Economy? Only the Voters Know for Sure

Source: Richard W. Stevenson, New York Times

Candidate/Organization: President Bush

Date: October 19, 2003

Lucky is the president who gets his recession out of the way early. Richard M. Nixon and Ronald Reagan

presided over sharp economic downturns in their first terms, but could point to a year or two of declines in

unemployment by the time they faced the voters again. Both coasted to re-election. Jimmy Carter in 1980 and

George H. W. Bush in 1992 were saddled with jobless rates that peaked only months before Election Day, and were

tossed out of the White House, even though, in Mr. Bush's case, the overall economy was recovering nicely. For

the current President Bush, a keen student of what happened to his father, the prospects for re-election may

rest to a substantial degree on whether the economic woes of his first three years in office give way fairly

quickly to a palpable sense that prosperity has returned, or soon will.

Farmers and Labor Press Global Trade as a Campaign Issue

Source: Elizabeth Becker, New York Times

Candidate/Organization: Sen.Joseph I. Lieberman; Rep. Richard A. Gephardt and Howard Dean

Date: October 21, 2003

When unions go on strike here, local farmers usually

show up at picket lines with hogs and fresh produce to make sure the workers' families have food on their

tables. And when farmers were suffering through the 1980 agricultural crisis, union members rolled up their

sleeves to help raise pressure for higher crop prices. But it has taken a shared fury about international trade

rules to bring together farmers and unions in a rare coalition over a single issue, one they are elevating to

the top of the agendas of both the Republican president and his Democratic challengers as they court voters in

the runup to the Jan. 19 caucuses here. Unions and farmers who are members of the new Iowa Fair Trade Coalition

object to rules that they say are weighted to favor large corporations. They criticize changes in the trade

rules for going beyond merely lowering tariffs to include protections for corporations that threaten national

laws covering the environment, access to inexpensive medicine and labor standards.

Labor Unions Back Dean, Gephardt

Source: Jonathan Roos, Des Moines Register

Candidate/Organization: Howard Dean; Richard Gephardt

Date: October 28, 2003

Democratic presidential rivals Howard Dean and Dick Gephardt, who are competing for the support of organized

labor, announced endorsements from separate labor unions Monday. Dean, a former Vermont governor, received the

endorsement of the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades, which has 140,000 members. It is the

first international union to declare its support for Dean, who is vying with eight other candidates to become

the Democratic nominee for president. Gephardt, a Missouri congressman, was endorsed by 2,300-member Iowa Local

234 of the International Union of Operating Engineers. He reported that 20 international unions have given

their endorsements as well, giving him a total combined membership of over 54,000 members of unions that

support his candidacy. Last week, Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry received the endorsement of the Utility Workers

Union of America, which represents about 50,000 members.

Blow to Gephardt: Major Union May Endorse 'Dean or No One'

Source: Jill Lawrence, USA Today

Candidate/Organization: Howard Dean

Date: October 30, 2003

The largest union in the AFL-CIO will endorse Democrat Howard Dean for president or no

one at all when its board meets Nov. 6. Either way, says Andrew Stern, president of the Service Employees

International Union, "the passion of the members lies with Howard Dean." A formal endorsement for Dean would be

bad news for the rest of the Democratic field, especially Missouri Rep. Richard Gephardt. A labor stalwart, he

is counting on unions to carry him to victory in important states such as Iowa, which starts the nomination

process with caucuses Jan. 19. Dean's campaign manager, Joe Trippi, cautioned in an e-mail that the SEIU

endorsement process is not complete. But he added that backing from the union "would be a tremendous

development for the Dean campaign."

Gephardt's Presidential Hopes Lie With Labor, Midwest Region

Source: Kevin Diaz, Minneapolis Star Tribune

Candidate/Organization: Rep. Richard Gephardt

Date: November 9, 2003

Standing on Bob Bell's farm on the outskirts of town, Dick Gephardt found himself wedged between a pair of

teleprompters and a field of golden corn, mingling with large men in seed caps and union jackets. Gephardt's

idea of heaven? Yes, it's Iowa. Voters here will make or break the Missouri Democrat's presidential hopes

come the first-in-the-nation January caucuses, which he won 15 years ago in his first White House bid.

Longtime Labor Friend Passed Over for Endorsements

Source: Chris Christoff, Detroit Free Press

Candidate/Organization: Rep. Richard Gephardt

Date: November 8, 2003


Gephardt must feel like a faithful boyfriend watching his girl go to the prom with the new kid in school. No

presidential candidate has been more closely aligned with labor than the longtime congressman from Missouri.

He's been a stalwart on such causes as opposing unfair foreign trade and supporting broad health care for

everyone. So, what does Gephardt get in return? Thursday, the national Service Employees International Union

endorsed Democratic rival Howard Dean. Next week, Dean is expected to get the endorsement of the American

Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees. So two of the nation's biggest unions are coming out for

Dean. And Friday, the UAW's international board voted to make no recommendation in the presidential race.

It's another national endorsement Gephardt banked on, but which slipped away.

Old Loyalist and New Face Divide Backing of Unions

Source: Steven Greenhouse, New York Times

Candidate/Organization: Howard Dean, Richard Gephardt

Date: November 12, 2003

Gerald W. McEntee, the president of the nation's largest public-sector union, has long been looking for a

Democratic presidential contender who can be a winner, and two months ago he was leaning toward the candidacy

of Gen. Wesley K. Clark. Mr. McEntee, whose 1.4 million union members are a formidable political force, even

asked Harold M. Ickes, the deputy White House chief of staff under President Bill Clinton, to run the Clark

campaign, several Democrats said. But over time Mr. McEntee soured on General Clark, and today he plans to

announce that his union, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, is endorsing Howard


Big Labor: What Its Seal of Approval Means

Source: Liz Marlantes, Christian Science Monitor

Candidate/Organization: Howard Dean, Richard Gephardt

Date: November 12, 2003

Howard Dean's expected endorsement Wednesday by two large and politically influential unions - the Service

Employees International Union (SEIU) and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees

(AFSCME) - will give the former Vermont governor added organizational support and a more diverse look to his

campaign. More important, it lends the anti-establishment candidate his first significant stamp of approval

from the Democratic establishment - which could make it a pivotal moment in the race. Certainly, labor has

proven a decisive force in past Democratic primaries. The two times the AFL-CIO has endorsed a candidate, in

2000 and 1984, it helped Al Gore and Walter Mondale crush challenges from Bill Bradley and Gary Hart. In other

years, individual unions breaking from the pack have played kingmaker - as when AFSCME expressed early support

for Bill Clinton in 1992.

High-Unemployment Areas May Be Politically Treacherous for Bush

Source: Ron Hutcheson (Knight Ridder), Biloxi Sun Herald

Candidate/Organization: President Bush

Date: November 7, 2003

President Bush came to North Carolina to talk about the improving economy

Friday, but the silver lining in his message was obscured in parts of the state by the dark cloud of

unemployment. The anger and frustration left behind by a wave of layoffs has soured even some of Bush's most

ardent supporters in a state that he carried handily in 2000. North Carolina has lost more than 100,000 jobs

since Bush took office, including 51,000 in the state's textile industry. While the economy appears to be

rebounding, Friday's report that national unemployment dipped and payrolls expanded is not enough to

compensate for the past three years when roughly 3 million jobs were lost. The lingering sour mood in high

unemployment areas such as this one underscores the political risks that lie ahead for Bush if job growth

continues to lag.

2 Labor Unions Endorse Dean

Source: Michael Tackett and Jeff Zeleny, Chicago Tribune

Candidate/Organization: Howard Dean

Date: November 13, 2003

Howard Dean took another step on his long walk from being the "who's he?"

candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination to becoming the choice of party insiders Wednesday when he

picked up the formal endorsement of two of the nation's most politically savvy and powerful labor unions. The

Service Employees International Union and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees

joined forces to back Dean, arguing that he is best positioned--financially and organizationally--to defeat

President Bush in 2004. The choice reflected a union decision that was more pragmatic than sentimental. Dean

does not have the same history of supporting labor as one of his rivals for the nomination, Rep. Richard

Gephardt (D-Mo.), but union leadership became convinced that Dean's chances were far better than Gephardt's

to win the nomination.

Gephardt Downplays Dean's Labor Coup

Source: Steve LeBlanc (AP), San Jose Mercury News

Candidate/Organization: Richard Gephardt, Howard Dean

Date: November 13, 2003

Democratic presidential candidate Dick Gephardt vowed to defeat rival Howard Dean in Iowa and seize the

nomination despite Dean's recent endorsement by two major labor unions. "I don't see him as a runaway train.

He was ahead in Iowa and now he's behind. If this was a runaway train that couldn't be stopped, he wouldn't

have fallen back," Gephardt said Thursday. "He's a worthy and tough competitor, but I'm going to defeat him."

Gephardt made the comments during a swing through fellow candidate John Kerry's hometown to attend a

fundraiser. On Wednesday, Dean scored a political coup when the presidents of the American Federation of State,

County and Municipal Employees and the Service Employees International Union issued a joint statement endorsing


Labor Support Could Impact Early Contests in Race for US

Source: Jim Malone, Voice of America

Candidate/Organization: various

Date: November 14, 2003

Presidential hopeful Howard Dean took what could be a major step toward winning the

Democratic Party's presidential nomination this week. But even as Mr. Dean moves ahead, some Democrats are

still pushing New York Senator Hillary Clinton to join the Democratic field. Former Vermont Governor Howard

Dean got a major boost when he won the endorsements of two influential labor unions representing service

workers and government employees. Together, the unions represent three million workers around the country.

Their support could have an impact in the early presidential contest states of Iowa and New Hampshire. Public

opinion polls indicate Mr. Dean is currently leading in New Hampshire, and is close to the lead in Iowa.

They Support Free Trade, Except in the Case of . . .

Source: David E. Rosenbaum, New York Times

Candidate/Organization: various

Date: November 16, 2003

Political candidates who stand on the ideological scale between Ralph Nader on the left and

Patrick J. Buchanan on the right tend to accept, in the abstract, the conventional view of economists:

International trade helps many more people than it hurts. But on the campaign trail, politicians cannot help

but be swayed by the fact that people who are harmed by trade expansion have names and faces ? and votes ? and

that the people who benefit often do not even know it. This is leading many politicians, including most of the

main Democratic candidates for president, to abandon the emphasis on globalization that was a cornerstone of

the Clinton presidency.

Ackerman Mobilizes Labor Unions to Put a Democrat in the White House

Source: Mary Leonard, Boston Globe

Candidate/Organization: AFL-CIO

Date: November 17, 2003

Labor-intensive. That's an apt description of the life and

work of Karen Ackerman, who for 30 years -- from her days as a student organizer at Temple University in her

native Philadephia to her current post as the AFL-CIO's political director -- has been passionate in bringing

about change through the labor movement. The stakes have never been higher nor has the responsibility been

greater, said Ackerman, commander of a 20-month, $35-million union campaign committed to setting the country on

a different course and replacing George W. Bush with a Democratic president in 2004. "We are very focused on

the presidential election," said Ackerman, 56, who has an unobstructed view of the White House from her

seventh-floor office at AFL-CIO headquarters near Lafayette Park. "This is the most antiworker, antiunion

administration we have ever seen, and workers' selfinterest depends on changing who is in the White House."

Dean Calls For New Controls on Business

Source: Jim VandeHei, Washington Post

Candidate/Organization: Howard Dean

Date: November 19, 2003

After years of government deregulation of energy markets, telecommunications, the airlines

and other major industries, Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean is proposing a significant reversal:

a comprehensive "re-regulation" of U.S. businesses. The former Vermont governor said he would reverse the trend

toward deregulation pursued by recent presidents -- including, in some respects, Bill Clinton -- to help

restore faith in scandal-plagued U.S. corporations and better protect U.S. workers. He also said a Dean

administration would require new workers' standards, a much broader right to unionize and new "transparency"

requirements for corporations that go beyond the recently enacted Sarbanes-Oxley law. "In order to make

capitalism work for ordinary human beings, you have to have regulation," Dean said. "Right now, workers are

getting screwed."

Gephardt Secures 21st Labor Endorsement

Source: San Francisco Chronicle

Candidate/Organization: Richard Gephardt

Date: November 20, 2003

Democratic presidential hopeful Dick Gephardt won the backing of his 21st international

labor union Thursday, bolstering his grass-roots support in two states that hold early primaries. The Transport

Workers Union of America, which represents about 125,000 workers, said it is supporting the Missouri

congressman because of the loyalty he has shown to the labor movement during nearly three decades in Congress.

The union, which represents workers in the mass transit, airline, railroad and utility industries, has about

9,000 members in Oklahoma -- more than any other union -- and 5,000 members in Arizona. Both states are among

those holding primaries Feb. 3.

Democratic Race Sows Labor Disunion

Source: John M. Glionna, Los Angeles Times

Candidate/Organization: Richard Gephardt & Howard Dean

Date: November 29, 2003

John Campbell is a blue-collar philosopher who routinely steps off the

factory floor at the Firestone tire plant here to marshal fellow foot soldiers in the United Steelworkers Union

on causes close to their hearts, minds and wallets. The 47-year-old high school dropout often joins forces with

Judy Lowe ? a no-nonsense single mother and an organizer for white-collar government workers ? to knock on

doors, dial telephones and stage cold-weather rallies to get out the vote for politicians sympathetic to

working families. For years, Iowa's industrial and service unions have generally acted as one clan, one

unified political force. But the effort to choose a Democratic candidate to oppose President Bush in the 2004

election has caused fissures in this traditionally ironclad solidarity.

Lieberman Proposes Paid Leave for Workers

Source: Diane Cardwell, New York Times

Candidate/Organization: Sen. Joseph Lieberman

Date: December 3, 2003

Seeking to

appeal to parents caught between the pressures of work and family, Senator Joseph I. Lieberman is proposing a

new payroll deduction to finance a program that would allow workers to take paid leave to care for themselves

or family members, his advisers said. The proposal, which Mr. Lieberman, of Connecticut, plans to announce on

Wednesday, would expand on the Family and Medical Leave Act, a hallmark of President Bill Clinton that

guarantees employees up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for family medical emergencies. By offering a plan for paid

leave, Mr. Lieberman, one of nine candidates seeking the Democratic presidential nomination, is taking a page

from Mr. Clinton's efforts to stake out an agenda on family issues as a way to reach out to moderates. "I'm

presenting an agenda that values families, and makes it easier for parents to give children the values they

want to give them," the senator said in an interview on Monday.

In Heart of Steel Country, Bush Talks of Economy, Not Tariffs

Source: Brian Knowlton (International Herald Tribune), New York Times

Candidate/Organization: President Bush

Date: December 2, 2003

At a speech in Pittsburgh, the president said little about

what everyone was thinking about: the looming decision on steel tariffs. The nagging question of steel tariffs

hung in the Pittsburgh air today like a billowing gray cloud over an old-fashioned steel mill. But neither

President Bush nor his decidedly steel-minded hosts at a fund-raising luncheon mentioned it, at least not

publicly. The president is expected to drop the tariffs that have been protecting the steel industry in states

like Pennsylvania and infuriating steelmakers abroad. But instead of talking about that, he focused his

comments on the signs of vibrant economic recovery that have recently emerged. "The American economy is strong

and it is getting stronger," Mr. Bush told donors to his re-election campaign. "This administration has laid

the foundation for greater prosperity and more jobs across America so every single citizen has a chance to

realize the American dream." Steel is traditionally a backbone of Pennsylvania employment, particularly in the

western part of the state around Pittsburgh.

Union Leaders Want Gephardt Aide Fired: Labor Chiefs Allege Retaliation Threats

Source: Dan Balz, Washington Post

Candidate/Organization: Rep. Richard Gephardt

Date: December 4, 2003

The presidents of the nation's two largest unions angrily demanded that Rep. Richard A. Gephardt

(D-Mo.) dismiss one of his senior advisers yesterday, charging that she threatened to try to retaliate if their

unions campaigned for former Vermont governor Howard Dean in Missouri. Gerald McEntee, president of the

American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), and Andrew Stern, president of the

Service Employees International Union (SEIU), whose unions have endorsed Dean, charged that, at a meeting

Monday that included Missouri Gov. Bob Holden (D), Joyce Aboussie, the vice chair of Gephardt's presidential

campaign, issued an "ultimatum" to representatives of the two unions.

Gephardt Joins Pickets in Show of Worker Support

Source: Susannah Rosenblatt and Melinda Fulmer, Los Angeles Times

Candidate/Organization: Rep Richard Gephardt

Date: December 4, 2003

Democratic presidential candidate Richard A. Gephardt joined striking grocery workers on

a West Hollywood picket line Wednesday, calling them heroes who were making sacrifices to protect their

families' rights. "These folks have been out here for two months, fighting for health care for their

families," Rep. Gephardt, of Missouri, said. "I believe that what they're fighting for is a moral issue."

Workers struck Safeway Inc.'s Vons and Pavilions stores Oct. 11 after talks on a new contract broke down,

largely over the issue of employee contributions to health insurance. Albertsons Inc. and Kroger Co.'s Ralphs,

which bargain jointly with Safeway, locked out their workers the next day. The labor dispute affects 70,000

union workers in Southern and Central California.

Unemployment Drop Not Good Enough for Dean

Source: Charles Mahaleris (Talon News), Men's News Daily

Candidate/Organization: Dr. Howard Dean; President George W. Bush

Date: December 8, 2003

Howard Dean, front-runner among the Democrat field seeking to replace President

George W. Bush, downplayed the significance of increases in employment figures and continued to bash Bush's

economic track record. Dean, while campaigning in Iowa on Friday, said, "Today's job announcement is another

link in the chain of President Bush's broken promises. When he proposed his program of tax cuts for the rich,

he said they would create 306,000 jobs a month. November's 57,000 job record puts the administration even

further behind its promise -- and puts the American worker further behind the eight-ball." Dean, who has been

surprisingly strong among blue-collar Democrat caucus voters in Iowa, continued his attack.

Party, Labor Officials in Iowa Divided Over Impact of Gore ...

Source: Mike Glover (AP), San Francisco Chronicle

Candidate/Organization: Dr. Howard Dean

Date: December 10, 2003

Now that Al Gore has endorsed Howard Dean, party and labor

leaders in Iowa are divided about the announcement's impact on the closely contested race -- and just as many

Iowans remain undecided about which candidate they'll support on caucus night Jan. 19. "Certainly, the

endorsement is a nice thing to have and a feather in the cap for Governor Dean," said Mark Daley, spokesman for

the Iowa Democratic Party. "It's 40 days away and there's a large number of undecided. It will be interesting

to see how they break and whether the Gore endorsement sways them or not." The Dean campaign and its backers in

Iowa viewed the endorsement as a boost for the former Vermont governor as he tries to sway Democrats in a state

famous for independent minds. Those backing Rep. Dick Gephardt, who won Iowa in his unsuccessful White House

bid in 1988 with strong support from labor, dismissed the Gore factor and remained focused on the neck-and-neck

race in the state.

Union vs. Union on Iowa Campaign Battleground

Source: Rachel L. Swarns, New York Times

Candidate/Organization: Rep. Richard Gephardt; Dr. Howard Dean

Date: December 14, 2003

It was 9 degrees, and the shivering, stomping union members were pressing political fliers into the

gloved hands of scores of steelworkers outside the Firestone plant here. "Support Dick Gephardt!" shouted John

Campbell, 47, this week as he mingled with the men starting their shift. But across the state, in the snowy

town of Glenwood, workers from a government employees union were promoting a different presidential candidate

and a different message. "Howard Dean is for working families," said Jenny Mitchell, 39, as she distributed

leaflets to her colleagues during lunch. In ordinary times, these two groups would be allies, but these days

they stand on opposite sides of a political divide. Ms. Mitchell's union is battling to send Howard Dean to

the White House; Mr. Campbell's union is trying to stop him from snaring an electoral victory here that might

start his steady march toward the Democratic nomination.

Two Unions Criticize Ads for Attacks Against Dean

Source: Jim Rutenberg, New York Times

Candidate/Organization: Dr. Howard Dean

Date: December 17, 2003

Two labor unions that provided financing for a shadowy Democratic political

group running tough commercials against former Gov. Howard Dean of Vermont criticized the advertising campaign

yesterday, and one said it might ask for its money back. Both unions, the International Association of

Machinists and Aerospace Workers and the Laborers\' International Union of North America, have endorsed

Representative Richard A. Gephardt, who said yesterday that he knew nothing about the group running the

commercials. Rick Sloan, a spokesman for the machinists, said the union donated $50,000 to the group, Americans

for Jobs, Health Care and Progressive Values.

Dean Attacks Bush's Stance on Unemployment Benefits

Source: Associated Press, Washington Post

Candidate/Organization: Dr. Howard Dean

Date: December 22, 2003

Former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean criticized the Bush administration Monday for what he

called a "callous" refusal to press Congress for another extension of unemployment benefits. "I think it's a

pretty big issue," Dean said. "It underlines the mean-spiritedness of this administration." Bush should call

Congress into special session, Dean said, and keep lawmakers at work until the extension of benefits is

approved. The looming holiday season and the potential that thousands could lose benefits at precisely the time

they are most needed underscores the urgency, he said. "It is incredible callousness" to refuse to consider the

issue, Dean said.

Democrats Agree Bush Taking Wrong Economic Path

Source: Tim Ahmann, Forbes.com

Candidate/Organization: multiple candidates

Date: January 4, 2004

The improving economy

may undercut the ability of Democrats to take on President George W. Bush over a lack of jobs, forcing a

crowded field of White House hopefuls to rely more on arguments that growing budget deficits pose a future

risk. "FDR ran on the New Deal, Harry Truman promised a Fair Deal," retired Gen. Wesley Clark said in outlining

his economic plan a few months ago. "George W. Bush ran on the free lunch. The free lunch it turned out was a

bunch of baloney." For months the candidates have hammered Bush over the millions of U.S. jobs lost under his


Bush Seeks Ways to Create Jobs, and Fast

Source: Edmund L. Andrews, New York Times

Candidate/Organization: President Bush

Date: January 10, 2004

The stage had

been set to celebrate the revival of jobs. With a phalanx of women entrepreneurs at his side and a billboard

covered with the word "Jobs!" behind him, President Bush proclaimed his confidence about the economy here on

Friday. But he made only passing reference to the latest news about employment. The reason was clear: Friday's

report on unemployment in December was much weaker than either the administration or most independent

economists had predicted. Job creation was virtually nil, and the unemployment rate declined only because the

labor force shrank by 309,000 workers. Many of those were people who had simply become too discouraged to keep

looking for work. The problem confronting Mr. Bush is that there is little he can do between now and the

elections except wait and hope that the employment picture improves. And the administration is not likely to

get much more help from the Federal Reserve, which has already reduced short-term interest rates to just 1


For Labor, a Day to Ask What Went Wrong

Source: Steven Greenhouse, New York Times

Candidate/Organization: various

Date: January 21, 2004


labor unions that backed Representative Richard A. Gephardt of Missouri and Howard Dean, the former Vermont

governor, were embarrassed yesterday and searching for answers why their candidates -- and the unions

themselves -- fared so poorly in the Iowa caucuses. Officials from the unions that supported Dr. Dean, who

placed third, and Mr. Gephardt, who dropped out of the presidential race after placing fourth, said the pair

had been weakened by the flurry of negative charges they directed at each other. They said this helped Senator

John Kerry of Massachusetts, who won the caucuses, and Senator John Edwards of North Carolina, who came in

second, pick up support because they ran more positive campaigns. Strategists from the two major unions that

backed Dr. Dean -- the service employees and the state, county and municipal employees -- said they would

redouble their efforts to lift him to victory in next Tuesday's primary in New Hampshire.

Labor Among Iowa's Big Losers

Source: Thomas B. Edsall, Washington Post

Candidate/Organization: various

Date: January 22, 2004

Rep. Richard A. Gephardt (D-Mo.) was not the only loser in the Iowa caucuses. Organized

labor, especially the nation's manufacturing and industrial unions, which poured huge resources into Iowa to

support their longtime ally, suffered an equally embarrassing defeat. In addition, the public-sector unions

that broke ranks and supported former Vermont governor Howard Dean saw their candidate finish behind Sens. John

F. Kerry (Mass.) and John Edwards (N.C.), who had little official union support. Labor organizations backing

Gephardt and Dean brought hundreds of organizers into Iowa, where about 50,000 union members are registered

Democrats eligible to vote in the caucuses. Despite that effort, a plurality of union members, 29 percent,

backed Kerry. Dean and Edwards tied for second place with 22 percent each, and Gephardt got only 19 percent,

according to surveys of caucus-goers.

Union Spends $1.6 Million to Help Dean

Source: Associated Press, CNN.com

Candidate/Organization: Dr. Howard Dean

Date: January 27, 2004

A government employees union is spending at least $1.6 million to try to get nonunion members out

to vote for Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean in several of the nation's early primaries. Most of

that -- $1.3 million -- has been spent by the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees'

political action committee over the past few weeks on ads, polling, phone banks, mailings and other primary

activities. Activities of the AFSCME's People Qualified PAC so far have focused on Iowa, which held its

presidential caucuses last week; South Carolina, New Mexico and Arizona, which vote February 3; Michigan, which

has its primary February 7; and Wisconsin, which votes February 17. The PAC is spending the money independently

of Dean's campaign, which means it can spend as much as it wants to recruit Dean voters.

A Politically Confusing Economy

Source: David Leonhardt, New York Times

Candidate/Organization: all candidates

Date: February 1, 2004


doubts that many Americans will vote their pocketbooks in this year's presidential election. The puzzle is

figuring out which party those pocketbooks will favor. The Democratic candidates, traveling around Arizona,

Missouri and other states holding primaries this week, are talking about the millions of layoffs and millions

of people who have lost health insurance under President Bush. Senator John Kerry, whose fortunes have risen as

the war in Iraq as receded as an issue, has dismissed the recent surge of economic growth as a "Wall Street

Bush-league recovery." Mr. Bush, on the other hand, is showing new confidence that the economy will in fact

help his chances come November. His State of the Union address offered a laundry list of Reaganesque optimism

that he is likely to repeat in coming months: home ownership, exports and employment are up; inflation and

interest rates are down. Mr. Bush even dropped a common refrain from last year in which he had vowed not to be

satisfied until everyone looking for work could find it.

Democrats, Labor Rally for Jobs

Source: Reuters, CNN.com

Candidate/Organization: President Bush

Date: February 3, 2004

Labor and

Democratic congressional leaders vowed Tuesday to keep the loss of thousands of manufacturing jobs during

President Bush's watch on the front burner through the November elections. Outlining his party's agenda to

restore manufacturing jobs, Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle blamed Bush's policies for the disappearance

and migration to other countries of 2,600 such jobs since he took office in January 2001. The truth is George

Bush can't run on his jobs record," the South Dakota Democrat told 3,000 representatives of 14 industrial

unions who applauded every speaker's call for Bush's ouster this fall. "George Bush says the economy is

creating jobs," Daschle continued. "But let me tell you, China is one long commute." The loss of typically

well-paying manufacturing jobs has touched 49 of the 50 states in the past three years and pushed U.S.

manufacturing employment to a 45-year low.

Politics, Survivors and the Economy

Source: Mark Gongloff, CNN.com

Candidate/Organization: President Bush, John Kerry, John Edwards

Date: February 4, 2004


thinking about the implications of the 2004 presidential election, economists and analysts on Wall Street have

been handicapping President Bush against Senator John Kerry, his most likely Democratic opponent. But at least

one other Democratic candidate, Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina, is still given a decent chance by many

political analysts to take his party's nomination, and his economic policies differ somewhat from Kerry's.

Two other candidates, retired Gen. Wesley Clark and former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, are still breathing in the

campaign, but their chances of winning the Democratic nomination seem, for now at least, much slimmer than

Kerry's or Edwards'. In any event, there are clear differences between Bush and the two front-running


Struggling 'Other Memphis' Skeptical of Candidates

Source: Evelyn Nieves, Washington Post

Candidate/Organization: Democratic presidential candidates

Date: February 9, 2004

Roger Barnes lives in the Memphis untouched by the 600,000 tourists who flock here each

year. His Memphis is the one where people are used to working with their hands, on their feet, the third shift,

on Sundays and holidays, for barely enough to pay the rent. Yet, they constantly have to worry about losing

those jobs. This Memphis is part of "The Other America" that Sen. John Edwards (D-N.C.), campaigning fiercely

here and in the rest of Tennessee for Tuesday's presidential primary, talks about on the stump: the one where

35 million Americans live in poverty and, even working full time, can't afford to do anything beyond just

getting by. Memphis is a handsome historic place, but, like most big cities, it struggles with people who are

desperately poor.

White House Forecasts 2.6 Million New Jobs

Source: Reuters, Washington Post

Candidate/Organization: President Bush

Date: February 9, 2004

The U.S. economy should shed its jobless label this year with the creation of about 2.6 million new

positions, the White House forecast Monday. If realized, the jobs turnaround could help President Bush's

re-election prospects. Bush has faced withering fire from Democrats over the lack of new jobs. In the annual

Economic Report of the President, the White House said the number of workers on U.S. non-farm payrolls was

likely to rise to an average to 132.7 million this year from a 2003 average it thought would come in at 130.1

million. According to the latest jobs figures released by the Labor Department Friday, which incorporated data

revisions, payroll employment averaged just 129.9 million last year.

Sharp Policy Divisions Absent as Race Narrows

Source: David S. Broder, Washington Post

Candidate/Organization: Democratic candidates

Date: February 9, 2004

The Democratic voter who wants to pick a presidential candidate on the basis of issues faces a big challenge

this year. The problem, said several Washington policy wonks, is that the contradictions in the records of

individual candidates outnumber the differences among the leading contenders remaining in the race. "If you

clip off the people on the fringe," said Maureen Steinbrunner of the Democratic-leaning Center for National

Policy, "there's a pretty strong agreement on what should be done. . . . They are past the point of wanting to

fight with each other on ideological questions." Michael Franc of the conservative Heritage Foundation agreed

that "there's very little big-issue debate among those left in the primaries. . . . They're all comfortably

left of center, and voters know they will have a bright-line choice in November, so the Democrats are basically

deciding who's best to send into that debate with President Bush."

Transforming Tech Woes Into Votes

Source: Griff Witte, Washington Post

Candidate/Organization: various candidates

Date: February 7, 2004

For Myra Bronstein, the news that she had been laid off from the best job she ever had came on a Friday

last May. The following week, she was back at work, having been told that if she wanted to receive her full

severance package, she would have to train her replacements. They had flown in from India just for the

occasion. In a tense meeting called by management at telecommunications firm WatchMark Corp., the Indian

workers sat across the table from the approximately 20 Seattle-area employees they would replace. "The quality

assurance manager stood up and in a very perky way said, " 'This is my old staff, and this is my new staff,'

" said Bronstein, who spent three years at WatchMark testing software. "The old staff was just trying not to

cry." Bronstein has been out of work ever since, and that reality will shape her pick for president this

morning when she participates in Washington state's Democratic caucuses.

Major Union Plans to Pull Its Support for Dean

Source: Jodi Wilgoren, New York Times

Candidate/Organization: Dr. Howard Dean

Date: February 8, 2004


largest of three international unions that had endorsed Howard Dean's bid for the Democratic presidential

nomination plans to withdraw its support, union officials and Dean aides said Saturday. Gerald W. McEntee, the

president of the union, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, spent an hour meeting

over lunch here on Saturday with Dr. Dean and his new campaign chief, Roy Neel. Aides to Dr. Dean, who spoke on

condition of anonymity, said that at the meeting Mr. McEntee expressed concern about Dr. Dean's viability and

the prospect that continuing his campaign could weaken the eventual Democratic nominee.

Bush Report Offers Positive Outlook on Jobs

Source: Jonathan Weisman, Washington Post

Candidate/Organization: President Bush

Date: February 10, 2004

Wading into an election-year debate, President Bush's top economist yesterday said the

outsourcing of U.S. service jobs to workers overseas is good for the nation's economy. Shipping jobs to

low-cost countries is the "latest manifestation of the gains from trade that economists have talked about" for

centuries, said N. Gregory Mankiw, chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers. Just as U.S.

consumers have enjoyed lower prices from foreign manufacturers, so too should they benefit from services being

offered by overseas companies that have lower labor costs, he said. Mankiw's comments come as the president

struggles to shore up support in manufacturing states that have lost millions of jobs and Democratic rivals

make economic nationalism a centerpiece of their attacks on the administration.

Bush Predicts Growth in Jobs

Source: Richard Benedetto and Peronet Despeignes, USA Today

Candidate/Organization: President Bush

Date: February 10, 2004

The Bush administration predicted Monday that the U.S. economy will create

2.6 million jobs this year, despite sluggish growth so far. The upbeat forecast came in the annual "Economic

Report of the President," presented to Congress on Monday. It predicted 4% growth in the economy overall.

President Bush said in an attached statement, "As 2004 begins, America's economy is strong and getting

stronger." His jobs prediction is politically risky. If most of the jobs materialize before the November

election, Bush would be able to point to the marked improvement in making his case for re-election. But if they

don't, that will provide ammunition to Democrats who say the president's economic stewardship is a failure.

During Bush's tenure, 2.2 million jobs have been lost, according to the Labor Department.

With Gephardt Gone, Kerry Is Lining Up Labor Backing

Source: David M. Halbfinger, New York Times

Candidate/Organization: Sen. John Kerry

Date: February 10, 2004

Senator John Kerry is poised to win a string of crucial labor endorsements

before the Wisconsin primary next Tuesday, labor officials say. The Building and Construction Trades Department

of the A.F.L.-C.I.O. is likely to throw its weight behind Mr. Kerry after a meeting on Tuesday, labor and

campaign officials said. The Alliance for Economic Justice, a coalition of 18 unions that had endorsed

Representative Richard A. Gephardt of Missouri, is to hold a conference call on Wednesday and could endorse Mr.

Kerry as early as this weekend.

Bush, Adviser Assailed for Stance on 'Offshoring' Jobs

Source: Jonathan Weisman, Washington Post

Candidate/Organization: various

Date: February 11, 2004

Democrats from Capitol Hill to the presidential campaign trail lit into President

Bush's chief economist yesterday for his laudatory statements on the movement of U.S. jobs abroad, seizing on

the comments to paint Bush as out of touch with struggling workers. "They've delivered a double blow to

America's workers, 3 million jobs destroyed on their watch, and now they want to export more of our jobs

overseas," said John F. Kerry, the Massachusetts senator and front-runner for the Democratic presidential

nomination. "What in the world are they thinking?" Rep. Donald Manzullo (R-Ill.) called for the resignation of

N. Gregory Mankiw, the chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers and a prominent Harvard

University economist. Manzullo said industrial state Republicans are furious. "I know the president cannot

believe what this man has said," Manzullo said. "He ought to walk away, and return to his ivy-covered office at


Bush Acts to Ease the Furor Over Jobs Shipped Abroad

Source: Elisabeth Bumiller, New York Times

Candidate/Organization: President Bush

Date: February 13, 2004

President Bush on Thursday sought to quell a ruckus over remarks by one of his top economic advisers, assuring

a crowd that he was concerned about the loss of American jobs to other countries, an increasingly potent issue

in the 2004 campaign. "There are people looking for work because jobs have gone overseas," Mr. Bush told a

gymnasium full of supporters and students at Central Dauphin High School here. "And we need to act in this

country. We need to act to make sure there are more jobs at home, and people are more likely to retain a job."

On Monday, N. Gregory Mankiw, chairman of the president's Council of Economic Advisers, told reporters that

"outsourcing" -- companies' practice of taking work done by Americans and moving it to low-wage countries

abroad -- was "probably a plus for the economy in the long run" because it reflected an expansion of free trade

benefiting all nations, including the United States. Mr. Mankiw has since recanted, saying in a letter to the

top House Republican, Speaker J. Dennis Hastert of Illinois, that "my lack of clarity left the wrong impression

that I praised the loss of U.S. jobs."

Parties Clash Over Job Migration

Source: Andrew Mollison, Atlanta Journal Constitution

Candidate/Organization: various candidates

Date: February 13, 2004

Republicans defending free trade and Democrats defending displaced workers split sharply Thursday over the

benefits and drawbacks of moving jobs out of the United States. Their debate comes in the wake of recent polls

which show that the economy and especially jobs are the voters' top concern in this election year.

"Particularly in the Middle West and the Southeast, I think this is going to be the No. 1 issue," said Sen.

Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.). "The Midwest is probably where the presidential race is going to be determined, and

the Southeast may be where the Senate control is determined," Schumer said. Commerce Secretary Don Evans struck

first, appearing Thursday morning on the CNBC channel to defend the Bush administration's position that the

offshoring of U.S. jobs benefits the economy in the long run. Criticism of offshoring threatens principles of

"free and open trade" that have been endorsed by every American president since Herbert Hoover, Evans said.

Hoover, who served from 1929 to 1933, was the last president to have a net loss of U.S. jobs during his term of

office. "Yes, American companies invest in other countries," Evans said. "But guess what? Foreign companies

invest here and hire American workers, which means higher standards of living and better paying jobs, and it

also means the consumers pay less for what they purchase." That ignores the pain of displaced workers,

contended Senate Democrats.

A.F.L. Backing of Kerry Is Called Near

Source: Steven Greenhouse, New York Times

Candidate/Organization: Sen. John Kerry

Date: February 14, 2004

After labor unions have skirmished for months over which Democratic candidate to support for president, the

A.F.L.-C.I.O.'s executive board will vote next Thursday to endorse Senator John Kerry, several union leaders

said Friday. This will give Mr. Kerry, of Massachusetts, the backing of a federation that has 13 million

members and what is often called the nation's most effective get-out-the-vote operation. Several union leaders

said John J. Sweeney, the federation's president, decided to call Thursday's meeting as soon as he saw that a

labor consensus was forming behind Mr. Kerry. "Everyone is ready to be unified around a candidate that they are

confident can defeat President Bush," said Karen Ackerman, the federation's political director. Mr. Sweeney's

letter inviting union leaders to the meeting said he was recommending they endorse Mr. Kerry. Mr. Sweeney wrote

in bold letters that Mr. Kerry would speak to the board at the end of the vote. This, several union leaders

said, signaled that the endorsement was a done deal.

AFL-CIO to Endorse Kerry

Source: CNN.com

Candidate/Organization: Sen. John Kerry

Date: February 13, 2004

Sen. John Kerry has

won the backing of the AFL-CIO, a spokesman for the nation's biggest labor group told CNN Friday. Kerry will

be endorsed by the organization, which encompasses 13 million people in 64 member unions, at a meeting of the

general board Thursday, the spokesman said. AFL-CIO President John Sweeney scheduled the meeting in a memo to

leaders of the member unions.

Jobs Take Center Stage in Wisconsin Primary

Source: Sue Kirchhoff, USA Today

Candidate/Organization: various candidates

Date: February 15, 2004

This town got its name from the Chippewa word for "place of the good spirit." To Mayor Kevin Crawford, it now

signifies something else. "You know what 'Manitowoc' means? It means, 'We're all getting laid off,' " says

Crawford, blaming the local 9.2% unemployment rate on trade policies that he says encourage companies to wander

the world for cheap labor and land. One example: Mirro cookware moved to Mexico in September, closing a factory

that has been in this northeast Wisconsin town for more than 100 years and eliminating nearly 900 jobs. "We're

the victims of Congress' abandonment of the American family," Crawford says. As Wisconsin's Tuesday

presidential primary nears, towns like this are a symbol of problems lingering in the economy, despite recent

signs of growth.

In Ohio, A First Strike

Source: Mike Allen, Washington Post

Candidate/Organization: President Bush

Date: February 18, 2004


Bush's reelection campaign moved deeper into its general-election playbook yesterday and launched a preemptive

defense of his economic record in Ohio ahead of a visit by his likely opponent, Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.).

The decision reflects the Bush campaign's growing concern about Ohio, a state he won by 4 percentage points in

2000 but is among the hardest hit by job losses. The move is the latest of near-daily signs Bush's campaign is

engaging Kerry as if he were the Democratic nominee. Labor Department figures show that in 2003, Ohio was

second only to another swing state -- Michigan -- in number of jobs lost. In January, Michigan was first and

Ohio second in the number of jobs lost in the previous month. Ohio reporters jammed a conference call that the

Bush-Cheney campaign set up yesterday with Rep. Rob Portman (R-Ohio), who began by saying he wanted to "set the

record straight" about how Bush's economic policies have benefited the state.

White House Under Fire for Projections on Jobs

Source: David Stout, New York Times

Candidate/Organization: various

Date: February 18, 2004

The White House

found itself under fire on the economy today, one day after two members of President Bush's cabinet seemed to

back away from the administration's earlier prediction that 2.6 million jobs would be created this year. The

president himself declined to answer directly today when he was asked whether he thought the economy would

indeed add that many jobs, as the White House Council of Economic Advisers predicted in its annual report just

last week. "I think the economy's growing, and I think it's going to get stronger," Mr. Bush replied at a

brief question-answer session with reporters. He called again for permanent tax cuts and for changes in the tax

code that he said would stimulate business and general spending.

Administration Backs Off Specific Forecast on Jobs

Source: Richard W. Stevenson, New York Times

Candidate/Organization: President Bush

Date: February 19, 2004

The Bush

administration backed away on Wednesday from a forecast it made public only last week predicting average job

gains of more than 300,000 a month for 2004 but said it remained confident of robust though unspecified job

growth for the year. In two news briefings, the White House press secretary, Scott McClellan, repeatedly

declined to endorse the forecast, which was in the Economic Report of the President, a 417-page book sent to

Congress last week under Mr. Bush's signature. "The president is not a statistician," Mr. McClellan said at

one point. Asked why he would not stand behind the forecast, Mr. McClellan replied: "I think what the president

stands behind is the policies that he is implementing, the policies that he is advocating. That's what's

important." The shift opened the door to an attack by Democrats, who said that as the presidential campaign

heated up the administration was being forced to acknowledge that its economic prescription of tax cuts and

free trade had failed to generate the jobs Mr. Bush had promised.

Kerry, Edwards Spar Over Trade: Democratic Rivals Begin Key Push For Delegates

Source: Jim VandeHei and Dan Balz, Washington Post

Candidate/Organization: Sen. John Kerry & Sen. John Edwards

Date: February 19, 2004

With the battle for the Democratic nomination reduced to a two-man race,

front-runner John F. Kerry and underdog John Edwards jabbed at each other over trade and electability Wednesday

as they pointed to a potentially decisive 10-state showdown on March 2 that includes New York, California,

Maryland and Ohio. Edwards's closing surge brought him a strong second-place finish in Tuesday's Wisconsin

primary. On Wednesday, he pressed to sharpen his differences with Kerry over international trade, with the

senator from North Carolina contending that Kerry has wrongly supported key free-trade pacts that Edwards

opposed. "I think it's clear that Senator Kerry and I have very different records on trade," he told reporters

in an afternoon conference call. Kerry, campaigning in Ohio, dismissed Edwards's argument. He said he and his

rival have virtually identical views on the future of trade and the outsourcing of U.S. jobs overseas. "We have

the same policy on trade -- exactly the same policy," the senator from Massachusetts told reporters before

speaking at a rally at a United Auto Workers hall in Dayton. With former Vermont governor Howard Dean now on

the sidelines, the candidates' dueling words over trade underscored competing strategies as the two senators

head toward the biggest primary day of the 2004 nominating season.

White House Tries to Defuse Criticism on Jobs Report

Source: CNN.com

Candidate/Organization: various

Date: February 20, 2004

The White House sought Thursday to defuse criticism of its economic policies in the wake of its

apparent retreat from a report on jobs projections, an issue that Democrats have seized on this election year.

On the campaign trail, Democratic presidential hopefuls hammered the president over the flap generated by the

report from the White House Council of Economic Advisers. And House Democratic leaders Thursday called on the

president to explain his policies on job creation and the deficit. President Bush, meanwhile, touted his

stewardship of the economy, and he tried to focus the debate on taxes as he delivered a speech in Washington.

"When you hear them say, 'We're going to repeal the Bush tax cuts,' that means tax increase. That's what

that is," Bush said. " 'I'm gonna raise your taxes' is what they're saying."

Kerry and Edwards Square Off as Dean Abandons Campaign

Source: Adam Nagourney and David M. Halbfinger, New York Times

Candidate/Organization: Kerry and Edwards

Date: February 19, 2004

Howard Dean ended his bid for the presidency on

Wednesday, leaving John Kerry and John Edwards battling over free trade and jobs as the Democratic presidential

contest veered into a more combative two-man struggle. As Dr. Dean announced that he was abandoning his

campaign after losing his 17th state contest with a devastating third-place finish in the Wisconsin primary,

Senators Kerry and Edwards moved aggressively to fill the space. They picked the states they would compete in

over the next two weeks and argued over Mr. Kerry's support of free trade agreements and his contributions

from lobbyists. "As Senator Kerry himself has pointed out many times during this campaign, records matter," Mr.

Edwards said in a noisy afternoon conference call with 100 reporters, the number a clear indication of how his

status has changed after a strong second-place showing in Wisconsin. "I think there is a significant difference

between us on this issue."

A.F.L.-C.I.O., Calling for Unity, Gives Backing to Kerry

Source: David M. Halbfinger and Rick Lyman, New York Times

Candidate/Organization: Sen. John Kerry

Date: February 20, 2004

Senator John Kerry won the endorsement of the A.F.L.-C.I.O. on Thursday as Senator

John Edwards called trade and job losses a "moral issue" and repeatedly pressed for debates with Mr. Kerry. The

leaders of the federation of 13 million labor union members endorsed Mr. Kerry as the Democratic primary

struggle largely narrowed to a two-man race and focused on the economy and trade. "We've had four years to see

who George Bush fights for in this country," Mr. Kerry said in front of the A.F.L.-C.I.O. headquarters, two

blocks from the White House. "And we're here to say to working people across this country, 'In November,

it's going to be your turn.' " Mr. Kerry's strategists hope that the endorsement will further establish him

as the likely presidential nominee and extinguish the spark that Mr. Edwards's campaign received from a

surprisingly strong second-place finish on Tuesday in the Wisconsin primary. Outside the headquarters of the

federation, its president, John J. Sweeney, made clear labor's view that the time for contested primaries was


Labor Supporter Says Dean Ignored His Entreaties to Quit

Source: Adam Nagourney, New York Times

Candidate/Organization: Howard Dean

Date: February 20, 2004

One of Howard Dean's most powerful labor supporters, Gerald W. McEntee, said on Thursday that he had

decided that Dr. Dean was "nuts" shortly before he withdrew his support for Dr. Dean's candidacy and begged

him to quit the race to avoid a humiliating defeat. Mr. McEntee, the president of the American Federation of

State, County and Municipal Employees, defended his decision to abandon the campaign, saying he told Dr. Dean

that he did not want to spend another $1 million of his union's money "in order to get him a couple of extra

points in Wisconsin." "I have to vent," Mr. McEntee, the often blunt leader of the nation's largest public

service union, said in a leisurely interview in his office here. "I think he's nuts." Mr. McEntee said he

reached his assessment of Dr. Dean after watching what he described as a series of halting appearances in Iowa,

leading up to his shouted concession speech. He said that he did not believe Dr. Dean, the former governor of

Vermont, understood how substantial his decline was after that, and that he was stunned when Dr. Dean did not

bow to pressure from labor unions to pull out earlier this month.

Battleground States Focus on Pocketbook

Source: David S. Broder, Washington Post

Candidate/Organization: various

Date: February 25, 2004

Battleground-state governors of both parties see the presidential election as an extremely

close battle, likely to be dominated by economic issues. Interviews with a number of those attending the annual

midwinter meeting in Washington of the National Governors Association found agreement that the pocketbook

issues of jobs and taxes are likely to determine whether President Bush can win a second term.

Kerry, Edwards Target Labor, Attack Bush

Source: Associated Press, USA Today

Candidate/Organization: Kerry, Edwards, Bush

Date: February 23, 2004

President Bush will "run away from his own record," Sen. John Kerry said Monday, as both

major remaining Democratic candidates courted labor interests in New York. "We have George Bush on the run

because he's going to go out here and start this campaign officially tonight before we even have a nominee of

the Democratic Party," the Massachusetts senator and Democratic presidential front-runner told supporters at a

rally in Harlem. "And he's going to lay out what he calls his vision, and I think it's extraordinary that

four years into this administration we're finally going to get what this president calls his vision for the

nation. He certainly has to call something a vision because he can't run on his record." Kerry's remaining

major challenger, Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina, also focused on labor issues. At a meeting with union

workers in New York, Edwards emphasized his Southern mill-worker background, telling garment workers who have

lost their jobs to overseas factories that "I take this personally."

Bush: Jobless Rate 'A Good Number'

Source: Reuters, CNN/Money

Candidate/Organization: various

Date: February 23, 2004

President Bush, brushing aside criticism from Democrats, called the nation's 5.6 percent unemployment rate on

Monday "a good number" given recent shocks to the economy. "The 5.6 percent unemployment (rate) is a good

national number. It's not good enough, but it's a good number, particularly since what we've been through,

which has been a recession and emergency and corporate scandal and war," the president told governors at a

White House meeting. Unemployment has emerged as a hot-button issue in this year's presidential campaign.

Nearly 2.8 million factory jobs have been lost since Bush took office and Democrats say the Republican White

House has been insensitive to their plight.

Kerry and Edwards Focus on Jobs and the Economy

Source: Carl Hulse, New York Times

Candidate/Organization: Kerry, Edwards

Date: February 25, 2004

Since John

Edwards and John Kerry are out trolling for a new job, they must figure other people are interested in

employment as well. Trying to stir up support for next Tuesday's critical primaries, both Democratic

presidential candidates put the focus on jobs and economic issues today, unveiling new plans that they think

will appeal to people worried about their companies moving overseas or where their next paycheck is coming

from. The policy proposals appeared to have a double aim. Not only are they intended to win votes in areas that

have experienced job loss, but they allow the candidates to counter President Bush's criticism earlier this

week that his opponents are only carping, not offering alternative plans.

Kerry, Edwards Attack Bush on Workers' Woes

Source: Dan Balz and Paul Farhi, Washington Post

Candidate/Organization: Kerry, Edwards

Date: February 26, 2004

Democratic presidential candidate John F. Kerry accused the Bush administration Wednesday

of indifference to the plight of U.S. workers who have seen their jobs shipped overseas and offered steps to

deal with a problem that has dominated this year's Democratic campaign. The senator from Massachusetts also

vowed not to cut Social Security benefits to help reduce the federal budget deficit, a direct repudiation of a

recommendation offered Wednesday on Capitol Hill by Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan. Kerry was

joined in this by his major rival, Sen. John Edwards (N.C.), who lauded the attention the Fed chairman shined

on deficits during the Bush administration but said in a statement, "it is an outrage for him to suggest that

we should extend George Bush's tax cuts on unearned wealth while cutting Social Security benefits that working

people earn." With Edwards and Kerry sprinting in the remaining days before next week's 10-state Super Tuesday

primaries, new polls suggested the task Edwards faces to keep his candidacy viable. The Field Poll in

California, where Edwards spent the day, showed him trailing Kerry by 41 percentage points.

Kerry Donors Include 'Benedict Arnolds'

Source: Jim VandeHei, Washington Post

Candidate/Organization: Kerry

Date: February 26, 2004

Sen. John F. Kerry (Mass.), the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination,

frequently calls companies and chief executives "Benedict Arnolds" if they move jobs and operations overseas to

avoid paying U.S. taxes. But Kerry has accepted money and fundraising assistance from top executives at

companies that fit the candidate's description of a notorious traitor of the American Revolution. Executives

and employees at such companies have contributed more than $140,000 to Kerry's presidential campaign, a review

of his donor records shows. Additionally, two of Kerry's biggest fundraisers, who together have raised more

than $400,000 for the candidate, are top executives at investment firms that helped set up companies in the

world's best-known offshore tax havens, federal records show. Kerry has raised nearly $30 million overall for

his White House run.

Crowds Voice Displeasure

Source: Joseph Gerth, Louisville Courier-Journal

Candidate/Organization: President Bush

Date: February 27, 2004

In all her 67 years, Ann Hall has never protested anything -- until President

Bush came to Louisville yesterday. Fed up with the president's positions on education, the economy and a host

of other issues, she went downtown with a couple of friends to voice her displeasure. "He cares nothing about

the common person," said Hall, of Louisville. "We decided we're just tired of it, and we needed to do

something." So, carrying a sign that referred to the president as an "idiot," she; Lori Eisenbeis, 68; and

Midge Ostendorf, 72, took their place among 1,000 or more protesters who gathered half a block from the Galt

House. Sprinkled among the crowd was a handful supporting Bush. "The older I get, the more liberal I get," Hall

said. "I feel the country is going fast downhill. (Bush) cares too much about corporations and not enough about


Democrats Criticize Exported Manufacturing Jobs

Source: Associated Press, CNN.com

Candidate/Organization: President Bush

Date: February 28, 2004

The Bush

administration lacks economic leadership at a time when states like Ohio are hemorrhaging manufacturing jobs,

Rep. Tim Ryan said Saturday in the Democrats' weekly radio address. Ryan, who represents a highly unionized,

blue-collar district in northeastern Ohio, cited a recent criticism of President Bush's economic policy: The

assertion by a top White House economist that "outsourcing" American jobs overseas was good for the U.S.

economy in the long run. "The constituents in my district whose jobs were just outsourced do not agree. They

and the more than one million other workers nationwide who lost their jobs to overseas labor during the past

three years find this statement outrageous," Ryan said.

Job Data Provides Ammunition for Two Sides in Presidential Race

Source: Robin Toner, New York Times

Candidate/Organization: Sen. John Kerry

Date: March 6, 2004

The latest unemployment statistics escalated the political war over the economy on Friday, with

Democrats asserting that lackluster job growth underscored the failures of the Bush administration's economic

policy while Republicans countered that a tax-raising Democratic president would only make it worse. On Capitol

Hill and on the campaign trail, Democrats ridiculed the administration for falling far short of its promises to

restore a healthy job market. Senator Tom Daschle, the Democratic leader, told a cheering rally of workers

protesting the migration of jobs overseas: "President Bush has said the economy is growing, that there are jobs

out there. But you know, it's a long commute to China to get those jobs." Senator John Kerry, the

all-but-official Democratic nominee, said that Mr. Bush had "overpromised and underdelivered," saying that at

the current rate of job growth, it would take almost a decade to replace the more than two million jobs lost

under this administration. Later, at a rally in New Orleans, Mr. Kerry attacked the administration's economic

policies, responding to Vice President Dick Cheney's claim that Democratic proposals for higher taxes on the

rich would harm the economy.

Fly High Above the Battlefield

Source: Stanley B. Greenberg, New York Times

Candidate/Organization: Kerry and Bush

Date: March 7, 2004

While John

Kerry was vanquishing his Democratic opponents and rising in the national polls, the Republican Party was

arming for battle. The president's campaign broadcast its first television advertisements last week, and they

depicted George Bush as a steady leader. Mr. Kerry and the Democrats, meanwhile, will be deciding in the next

few weeks which issues to embrace in the coming campaign. Republicans have already begun fighting a culture

war; Democrats have begun fighting a class war. One party is talking about gay marriage, the other about

corporate greed. But Mr. Kerry should not settle for a campaign waged on such narrow terms. In 2004, Americans

are eager to be engaged in matters of greater significance both to the nation and to their everyday lives. This

election will be decided by those voters who care about more than just this debate -- those who do not like

either Rosie O'Donnell or Kenneth Lay. To break the current political impasse and appeal to these voters, Mr.

Kerry should portray this election as a choice between different visions of America. His campaign will surely

reflect Democrats' middle-class sensibilities, and be aligned with them, but Mr. Kerry should also take up the

public's yearning for opportunity, community, loyalty and patriotism.

Campaign Tug-of-War on Wall Street

Source: Reuters, CNN

Candidate/Organization: Bush and Kerry

Date: March 5, 2004

The lack of

new jobs has grabbed center stage in the race for the White House, but disappointing employment figures, such

as Friday's Labor Department report, may prove to be little more than a noisy sideshow for stock investors.

Make no mistake. The stock market is sure to be buffeted by the battle between President George W. Bush, the

Republican incumbent, and Sen. John Kerry, a Massachusetts Democrat, which got going in earnest this week. The

twists and turns of the campaign will probably add to market volatility until November, when voters go to the

polls. "It is going to be a tug of war between the president portraying the economy as great and the Democrats

saying 'Look at how he has messed it up,"' said Robert Brusca, chief economist for Fact and Opinion

Economics. But stock market bulls say investors should tune out the political static and focus on what they say

is an economy that is showing signs of strength despite the still murky labor picture. That should lead to

better corporate profits and higher stock prices, they say.

Organized Labor Fights for Survival

Source: Associated Press, New York Times

Candidate/Organization: Kerry

Date: March 10, 2004


labor is in the fight of its life to remain relevant to workers as it struggles to rebound from setbacks in

organizing and politics. Labor leaders meeting this week at a luxury seaside resort are revving up for the

largest multimillion dollar effort to mobilize their members to defeat President Bush. John Kerry, the

Democrats' presumptive nominee, addressed the AFL-CIO meeting by satellite Wednesday. "George Bush is running

on the same-old Republican tactics of fear -- and they're already getting tired,'' Kerry said. "But we have

something better than attacks. We have the facts. And here they are: under George Bush's policies, middle

class families are paying more. America's middle class can't afford a tax increase. That's why were going to

give the middle class a tax cut.'' The Massachusetts senator won the labor federation's endorsement last

month and hopes to use labor's organizational muscle and money to boost his campaign.

Increasingly, American-Made Doesn't Mean in the U.S.A.

Source: Louis Uchitelle, New York Times

Candidate/Organization: Sen. John Kerry

Date: March 19, 2004

Anthony F. Raimondo, a Nebraska business executive, was all set to become President Bush's

manufacturing czar until he was caught in a political firestorm last week after John Kerry's campaign

suggested that Mr. Raimondo was a "Benedict Arnold C.E.O." for moving jobs from the United States to China. But

it's not that simple. What Mr. Raimondo's company did, experts of all stripes say, has become standard

business practice in response to domestic and international pressures. Hundreds of American companies, among

them Mr. Raimondo's Behlen Manufacturing of Columbus, Neb., own facilities abroad that produce goods and

services for overseas customers rather than for shipment back home. Indeed, these overseas sales, which have

risen to more than $2.2 trillion annually in recent years, dwarf the nation's exports of roughly $1 trillion.

Should American companies turn so quickly to production abroad, rather than export from the United States -

particularly in China, where sales are growing at two or three times the rate in any other country?

At Florida Rally, Bush Attacks Kerry on Economy

Source: Richard W. Stevenson, New York Times

Candidate/Organization: Bush, Kerry

Date: March 21, 2004

President Bush on Saturday came to the state that delivered him the White House in 2000 for his first

full-scale campaign rally of 2004 and opened a new line of attack on Senator John Kerry, saying his Democratic

rival would raise taxes and choke off the economic recovery. Before thousands of enthusiastic supporters in a

city that could determine whether he can keep Florida in his column this time around, Mr. Bush said Mr. Kerry

had voted 350 times to raise taxes in his nearly two decades in the Senate and was now setting out plans that

would inevitably mean higher taxes. Clearly pumped up by the reception he received and obviously relishing

being in the thick of the political give-and-take, Mr. Bush ticked off popular components of the tax cuts he

has signed into law, including an increase in the child credit, a tax break for many married couples, an

expansion of the lowest tax bracket and a cut in the tax on dividends. Mr. Kerry, he said, opposed them all.

"He also supported a 50-cent-a-gallon tax on gasoline," Mr. Bush added, referring to a proposed increase in the

federal gasoline tax that Mr. Kerry backed in 1994. "He wanted you to pay all that money at the pump, and

wouldn't even throw in a free car wash."

Above-Average Economy in the Swing States Has Few Rejoicing

Source: David Leonhardt, New York Times

Candidate/Organization: Bush and Kerry

Date: March 23, 2004

Little about the suburbs of Minnesota's Twin Cities fits the popular image of a struggling Midwestern

swing state in this election year. Downtown Maple Grove, filled with shops and brick sidewalks, has sprung from

virgin fields in just the last five years, and the medical-device maker that is the city's largest employer

continues to add dozens of new workers. On the outskirts of the metropolitan area, some old farms are now worth

$1 million, thanks to commuters looking for new places to live. Here in Minnesota and in many other swing

states, the economy is a good bit healthier than it might seem when the spotlight in the 2004 presidential

campaign focuses on the plight of industrial states like Ohio and West Virginia. With the help of military

spending in New Mexico, housing booms in Florida and Nevada and the growth of white-collar work in Minnesota

and Iowa, the 17 swing states where President Bush and Senator John Kerry have aimed their early advertising

have actually added 80,000 jobs over the last year. The rest of the country has shed 60,000 in the same time,

according to an analysis by Economy.com, a research company, for The New York Times. Incomes in the swing

states are growing a little faster than they are elsewhere.

It's Jobs, Stupid, and Tax Cuts, Too

Source: John Mercurio, CNN

Candidate/Organization: Sen. John Kerry

Date: March 26, 2004

With his party $11 million

richer from last night's unity dinner, John Kerry travels to Michigan today to take a whack at the soft spot

in President Bush's economic recovery -- jobs. In the first major policy address since he clinched his

party's nod, Kerry hits back at new Bush ads that claim Kerry has backed some 350 tax hikes in the Senate,

while he offers a plan to create 10 million jobs by 2009. In the first of three speeches he'll deliver in

coming weeks, Kerry today appears at Wayne University in Detroit to outline a tax reform plan designed to

encourage job creation. In the second speech, which sources say is scheduled for sometime early next month,

Kerry will unveil his plan to give Americans the education and training and skills they need to fill and create

21st century jobs. In the third speech, Kerry will outline his plan to restore fiscal discipline and confidence

in the American economy.

Kerry to Offer Cut in Corporate Taxes

Source: Jim VandeHei, The Washington Post

Candidate/Organization: Sen. John Kerry

Date: March 26, 2004

John F. Kerry today will propose cutting the corporate tax rate as part of an economic plan

designed to create 10 million jobs by 2009 and discourage companies from sheltering taxable income overseas,

his economic advisers said yesterday. In essence, Kerry will offer a trade: He would cut taxes on U.S.

corporations in exchange for forfeiting current tax benefits for moving money and jobs overseas. Kerry, fresh

from a week-long vacation, is planning to use his first domestic policy address of the general election

campaign to call for this carrot-and-stick approach to prod U.S. companies to do more business and create more

jobs at home. The speech is billed as the first of three presenting the candidate's detailed balanced budget

plan, which will include several new tax cuts.

In Wisconsin, Bush Offers a Hopeful Assessment of the Economy

Source: Richard W. Stevenson, New York Times

Candidate/Organization: President George W. Bush

Date: March 31, 2004

President Bush campaigned in Wisconsin on Tuesday, saying he was optimistic about the economy and

urging Americans to have faith in their ability to compete with the rest of the world rather than taking refuge

behind what he called "economic isolationism." Visiting a state he lost by fewer than 6,000 votes in 2000, Mr.

Bush, in a speech sponsored by the local chamber of commerce, ticked off statistics that he said showed how the

tax cuts he championed had helped the economy overcome the recession, the terrorist attacks, two wars and

corporate scandals. "Wisconsin is helping lead the growth of this nation," he said, noting that the state's

unemployment rate had fallen substantially over the past year, to 5 percent from 5.8 percent. "Farms, factories

and offices are shipping high-quality goods all across America, and all throughout the world." Mr. Bush did not

mention some of the state's grimmer statistics. Nonfarm employment in Wisconsin has fallen by 42,000 jobs, to

2.79 million, since he took office, and the state has lost 84,000 manufacturing jobs.

Bush Promoting Job Plan in West Virginia

Source: CNN

Candidate/Organization: President Bush

Date: April 2, 2004

President Bush is promoting

his message of an improving economy in West Virginia, a state he narrowly won in 2000 and where Democrats are

taking him to task for lost jobs. Bush visits Friday, the same day the government releases national

unemployment data for March. He is to appear on a college campus for the second time in the past

week-and-a-half to promote his "Jobs for the 21st Century" program. Among Bush's proposals is $250 million in

grants for community colleges that partner with employers seeking higher-skilled workers. Unveiled in Bush's

State of the Union speech, the overall jobs program would spend $500 million on job training and education


President Makes His Pitch, on Jobs and at Ballgame

Source: Neil A. Lewis, New York Times

Candidate/Organization: President Bush

Date: April 6, 2004

President Bush

focused his campaign Monday on job creation, celebrating employment figures for March that surpassed all but

the most optimistic expectations before exercising that quintessentially presidential prerogative of throwing

out the first ball on opening day at a field of his choosing. Mr. Bush chose to do so here in Missouri, an

important tossup state in the presidential race. When he sprinted out of the home-team dugout at Busch Stadium

here wearing a Cardinals jacket, he drew a cheer from the stands exceeding even that given a few minutes

earlier to Stan Musial, perhaps St. Louis's most revered Hall of Famer. The president then threw an arguable

strike to Mike Matheny, the Cardinals' catcher. But for most of the day, his campaign and that of his presumed

Democratic challenger, Senator John Kerry, tangled over jobs and fiscal responsibility.

Bush to Promote Training in Arkansas

Source: Associated Press, CNN.com

Candidate/Organization: President Bush

Date: April 6, 2004

Visiting a

southern Arkansas town with persistently high unemployment, President Bush is promoting his solutions for

improving the economy and gaining the upper hand in the war in Iraq, two issues that form the foundation of his

re-election campaign. Bush on Tuesday was making his fourth trip to a college campus in less than two weeks,

spelling out his plans to match job training programs with the needs of local employers in a changing economy.

The president was speaking at South Arkansas Community College in El Dorado, a town of 21,000 people in a

region where plant closings and near double-digit unemployment plague the oil, timber and manufacturing

economy. El Dorado's jobless rate was 9.1 percent in February. The latest national unemployment rate is 5.7

percent for March.

Bush Links More Rigorous Schooling to Getting Jobs

Source: Edwin Chen and Erika Hayasaki, Los Angeles Times

Candidate/Organization: President Bush

Date: April 8, 2004

President Bush on Tuesday proposed new requirements for vocational training

and for science and math education that he said would help Americans acquire needed skills for jobs in the

fast-changing economy. "We want every citizen in this country to be able to get the skills necessary to fill

the jobs of the 21st century. There are new jobs being created," the president said at South Arkansas Community

College. Bush's appearance was part of a recent drive to highlight his efforts on job creation -- an issue

that looms large in his reelection bid. During an hourlong event that the White House billed as a

"conversation" on job training and the economy, Bush pronounced the economy to be in solid recovery, citing in

part Friday's Labor Department report that 308,000 jobs were created in March.

Unions Take Note of Kerry's Vow On Deficit

Source: Christopher Lee, Washington Post

Candidate/Organization: Sen. John Kerry

Date: April 9, 2004

Sen. John F. Kerry's campaign pledge this week to deflate the ballooning federal budget deficit contains

several provisions that could affect the federal workforce. The presumptive Democratic nominee said he would

cut 100,000 federal contractor jobs, cap federal travel budgets, and streamline federal agencies and

commissions to rein in administrative costs by 5 percent, among other moves. "And when we're done, the federal

government will be smaller, but smarter, more effective and less expensive," Kerry said Wednesday in a speech

at Georgetown University. Jason Furman, Kerry's economic policy director, said yesterday that the government

could save $60 billion over 10 years by cutting contractors and freezing the federal travel budget at $8

billion annually.

Kerry Measures 'Middle-Class Misery'

Source: CNN

Candidate/Organization: Sen. John Kerry

Date: April 12, 2004

Seeking to show that

millions of American families are being "squeezed" by rising costs and shrinking incomes, John Kerry's

presidential campaign announced Monday that it has created a "Middle-Class Misery Index." The index "puts

together the kitchen table economic issues that determine whether working families are feeling economic anxiety

or economic optimism under President Bush," said Gene Sperling, a former economic adviser for President Clinton

who helped put together the report for the Kerry campaign. Unlike the traditional misery index, which combines

unemployment and inflation rates, the new index looks at median family income, college tuition, health costs,

gasoline cost, bankruptcies, home ownership rate, and private-sector job growth. Each of the seven factors had

an equal contribution to the index figure, said economic policy director Jason Furman. The report concludes

that the Middle-Class Misery Index "worsened 13 points in the last three years -- the largest three-year fall

on record and the worst record of any president ever."

Tough Issues, Awaiting Their Turn

Source: Edmund L. Andrews, New York Times

Candidate/Organization: Bush and Kerry

Date: April 13, 2004

Though they have surfaced only fleetingly in the opening rounds of the presidential campaign, some of the

deepest and most explosive divisions between George W. Bush and John F. Kerry are over the future of

retirement. The issues are so politically treacherous and abstract that both candidates have shied away from

them in public -- an easy thing to do when the headlines have been dominated by Iraq, the 9/11 commission and

jobs. But make no mistake: a philosophical and intensely partisan war is raging just below the surface, and

strategists on both sides expect that retirement issues will come into play before the campaign comes to a

close. The fissures between Republicans and Democrats are deep. Trillions of dollars are potentially at stake,

and powerful interest groups are already marshaling forces. The issues range from Social Security and Medicare

to the stability of private pension plans, but much of the war boils down to a basic question: should Americans

save for old age collectively as a nation, or as individuals through private savings and investments?

Kerry Wants $30 Billion for Teachers

Source: David M. Halbfinger, New York Times

Candidate/Organization: Sen. John Kerry

Date: May 7, 2004

Senator John Kerry called Thursday for a "new bargain" with teachers, proposing to spend $30 billion over 10

years to recruit, coach and reward better teachers. In return, he said, he would require stiffer testing of new

teachers and swifter ways to remove poor ones from the classroom. Fleshing out the details of his education

plan as he wrapped up a three-day West Coast swing, Mr. Kerry told an audience at a high school here, near San

Bernardino, that he would attract, or keep from quitting, 500,000 teachers over four years in what aides said

would be the biggest federal expenditure of money for teacher salaries yet. A major part of his plan, and one

that could face opposition from teachers' unions, is to set aside $9 billion to get school districts to raise

teacher salaries across the board but also to reward teachers for demonstrating excellence, using measurements

including their students' improvement on standardized tests.

Bush Focuses on Good Jobs News as the Bad News on Iraq Looms

Source: Richard W. Stevenson, New York Times

Candidate/Organization: President Bush

Date: May 8, 2004

President Bush carried the burden of the Iraqi prisoner abuse case on a campaign swing through

Iowa and Wisconsin on Friday, but he used new job-creation figures to leaven his acknowledgment of national

shame with a dose of economic optimism. As he campaigned by bus through two states that he lost in 2000 but is

making a concerted push to win this time around, Mr. Bush used the news that the economy had created 288,000

jobs in April, the eighth-straight month of gains, to bolster his case that his tax cuts are helping bring

about a return to prosperity. "I can't tell you how optimistic I am about the economy," Mr. Bush told an

audience in Prairie du Chien, Wis. But images of American military personnel abusing Iraqi prisoners, and

Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's testimony on Friday that there are more such pictures, loomed over his

campaign stops.

Kerry Addresses Health Care Costs

Source: Jim VandeHei, Washington Post

Candidate/Organization: Sen. John Kerry

Date: May 11, 2004

Sen. John F. Kerry charged Monday that President Bush was ignoring soaring health care

costs, as the Democratic presidential candidate launched a week-long campaign to highlight his plan to reduce

insurance premiums and extend coverage to 27 million uninsured Americans. U.S. health care spending has

increased by about 10 percent a year since President Bush took office, and the number of people without health

care insurance has risen to 43 million. Kerry is promoting a plan designed to cut costs largely by retooling or

expanding existing government programs. Under the Kerry approach, the federal government would pay for the most

expensive health expenses, known as catastrophic costs. The plan would also provide tax credits and other

benefits to businesses to provide lower-cost coverage to employees and would permit the reimportation of

prescription drugs from Canada, among other things. The idea is to push prices down by easing pressure in

several areas, from business to bureaucracy, simultaneously.

Senate Rejects Unemployment Benefit Extension

Source: Mary Dalrymple, Washington Post

Candidate/Organization: Kerry

Date: May 11, 2004

The Senate by a single vote rejected an election-year effort Tuesday to extend federal unemployment benefits.

Democrats tried to attach the benefit to a corporate tax bill. On a 59-40 vote in the GOP-controlled Senate,

they fell just shy of the 60 votes needed to overcome objections that extending the benefits violated last

year's budget agreement. Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, was

the only senator who missed the vote. Kerry was campaigning Tuesday in Kentucky. The amendment would have

offered emergency federal unemployment benefits for six months, temporarily giving 13 weeks of extra assistance

to people who exhaust their state benefits -- typically 26 weeks.

Kerry Describes Health Proposal

Source: Jim VandeHei, Washington Post

Candidate/Organization: Sen. John Kerry

Date: May 12, 2004

In a dusty warehouse of Louisville Stoneware Co., a small clay pottery company established

here in 1815, Sen. John F. Kerry on Tuesday detailed his plan to reduce the cost of health coverage for

small-business owners and their employees. Health insurance premiums have shot up by nearly 50 percent over the

past three years for small firms, forcing many owners to scale back or scuttle coverage for employees, studies

show. Under the Kerry plan, small-business owners would get a tax credit to cover as much as 50 percent of the

cost of providing coverage to employees with incomes that are not more than 300 percent of the poverty level.

House Blocks Overtime Vote Sought by Democrats

Source: Associated Press

Candidate/Organization: Bush

Date: May 12, 2004


Republicans rebuffed a Democratic attempt Wednesday to force an election-year vote on overtime pay that would

require the new Bush administration regulations to retain eligibility for all workers who currently qualify.

Election-year shuffle on the minimum wage

Source: New York Times

Date: May 16, 2004

Few proposals are more popular than raising the minimum wage. But what voters want rarely

translates into a higher minimum, even though Congress does pay extra attention in presidential election years.

That happened in 2000, and it's happening again. The Republicans are dead set against raising the minimum

wage. But in presidential election years they give the appearance of favoring an increase. The catalyst in this

game is Senator Edward M. Kennedy, the Massachusetts Democrat. His latest proposal, introduced in the Senate on

April 29 and in the House a week later, would raise the minimum to $7 an hour in three steps over 26 months.

Proposed US overtime rules come under fire

Source: Tim Fawcett, BBC News Online

Candidate/Organization: Bush

Date: May 17, 2004

[A] US government plan to

help more people earn extra cash from working overtime has run into trouble after critics said it would make

life worse, not better, for thousands of American workers. The spat has highlighted how labour rights could

become an important issue ahead of the US Presidential election.

Candidates offer very different health care plans

Source: Molly M. Ginty, Women's eNews

Candidate/Organization: Bush, Kerry

Date: May 18, 2004

As Republican President

George W. Bush and Democratic Presidential candidate John Kerry vie for votes in November, they are

recommending very different ways to insure the 42 million Americans who lack health care coverage. It's a

problem that affects 18 percent of women between the ages 18 to 65 and costs the economy an annual $130 billion

in lost wages and other expenses. Alina Salganicoff, director of Women's Health Policy for The Henry J. Kaiser

Family Foundation in Menlo Park, Calif., says "Bush plans to spend one tenth as much money, while Kerry plans

to insure seven times as many people."

Employment rebounds in states that could decide next president

Source: Peronet Despeignes, USA Today

Candidate/Organization: Bush, Kerry

Date: May 23, 2004

The latest Labor Department figures on state jobs show that 10 of the 17 states expected to be the

most tightly contested this campaign season were among the fastest-growing job markets in the country in April.

The report, out Friday, showed a marked acceleration in job gains in industrial states in and around the

Midwest defying the expectations of economists who predicted last year that those states would lag the national


Wall Street firms funnel millions to Bush

Source: Thomas B. Edsall, Jonathan Weisman, Washington Post

Candidate/Organization: Bush

Date: May 24, 2004

When employers of contributors to the Bush campaign are ranked, seven

out of the top 10 are major securities firms. For the securities industry, a lot has changed since 2000, and

the changes wrought by the Bush administration have produced large new profits. Those profits stand to soar

higher if Bush is reelected.

Delusions of triumph

Source: Paul Krugman, New York Times

Candidate/Organization: Bush

Date: May 25, 2004

Republicans are

frustrated by polls showing that the public has a poor opinion of George Bush's economic leadership. In their

view, the good news about Mr. Bush's economic triumphs is being drowned out by the bad news from Iraq. Funny,

isn't it? In 2002, Republican strategists used the impending Iraq war to distract the public from the

miserable economic news. Now they're complaining that Iraq is taking voters' focus off the economy. But is

the economic news really that good? No. While the recent economic performance is better than in the

administration's first three years, it isn't at all exceptional by historical standards. And after those

three terrible years, the economy has a lot of ground to make up.

Sick about health care: employers and politicians struggle to find solution

Source: Jonathan Weisman, Washington Post

Candidate/Organization: Bush, Kerry

Date: May 26, 2004

From the largest corporations to the smallest mom-and-pop shops,

business executives identify double-digit increases in health insurance costs as perhaps the biggest threat to

their bottom lines and their future. Yet beyond their vocal complaints, businesses have been strikingly absent

from the burgeoning political debate and largely unwilling to take sides. Business groups large and small say

neither political party has embraced proposals that will truly bring down spiraling costs.

U.S., Centam countries sign contentious trade pact

Source: Reuters, Forbes.com

Candidate/Organization: Bush, Kerry

Date: May 28, 2004

The United States and

five Central American countries signed a free trade agreement on Friday, but strong opposition from labor,

environmental and other groups could keep it from becoming law. The deal essentially would extend the North

American Free Trade Agreement down most of the land bridge connecting Mexico to South America. It would bring

the Bush administration a step closer to creating a free trade zone covering every country in the Western

Hemisphere except Cuba. The fate of the U.S.-Central American Free Trade Agreement, or CAFTA, could depend on

this year's U.S. election.

Jobs loss may affect who wins the vote

Source: Paul Farhi, Washington Post

Candidate/Organization: Bush, Kerry

Date: June 1, 2004

Of all

the places devoted to making and shaping metal in this weathered industrial city [Canton, Ohio], few are as

venerable as the Timken Roller Bearing Axle Co. factory. For more than a century, workers have cranked out

millions of industrial bearings, the steel components that make things such as oil rigs and computer disk

drives operate smoothly. Now the factory is at the heart of an unlikely but intriguing subchapter in the

presidential campaign. Timken, which has grown into a Fortune 500 giant, has declared the aging plant and two

others in Canton to be "uncompetitive." In mid-May, it announced that it would close the factories unless

workers represented by the United Steelworkers of America agreed to unspecified concessions. Timken sits in the

heart of a city that sits in the heart of Stark County, one of three critical "swing" counties in a state that

President Bush must win to defeat his Democratic rival, Sen. John F. Kerry.

Economic rebirth in Wis. may reflect U.S. trend

Source: Peronet Despeignes, USA Today

Candidate/Organization: Bush, Kerry

Date: June 7, 2004

The U.S. economy by many measures is "back on track," rebounding sharply in 2004 and

adding more than 1 million jobs, figures released last week show. Here in Wisconsin, the 2001 recession and the

"jobless recovery" of the past two years are a fading memory. The Bush campaign is counting on the national

job-market rebound to counter the political drag of Iraq and other economic conditions, such as rising gas

prices. Its best chance may be here: Wisconsin's recovery has been stronger, longer and more consistent than

most of the 17 states considered competitive by Bush and Democrat John Kerry. The Bush and Kerry campaigns are

trying to shape public opinion of the economy. The Kerry campaign emphasizes surging costs for health care,

college tuition and gasoline. The Bush campaign argues that the economy is improving, thanks in part to the

president's tax cuts.

Labor's Democrat problem

Source: Jonathan Tasini, TomPaine.com

Candidate/Organization: John Kerry

Date: June 15, 2004

The last

few days, I've had that queasy feeling I get when I feel more repelled by so-called "liberals" than

conservatives. The occasion: the wringing of hands and finger wagging at the local police union that has been

picketing the site of the Democratic National Convention in Boston. The police have been without a contract for

two years. The mayor, Democrat Thomas Menino, is offering a contract that the police officers don't like.

They've picketed at the site, and other unionized workers have refused to cross the picket line, delaying

work. The Democratic Party wags are worried about the message the protesting police will send to the rest of

America. If [Kerry's] campaign is truly about a "Real Deal" for Americans, he could start by telling the mayor

to negotiate in good faith with the union, and call off the Democratic party hacks who want [him] to show his

political manhood at the expense of workers.

Bush reaches out to American workers

Source: Peter Wallsten, Los Angeles Times, The Union Leader [New Hampshire]

Candidate/Organization: George W. Bush

Date: June 14, 2004

Bush is an unabashedly pro-business president. But he is also working to forge

an image as a friend of the American worker, part of his effort to win such battleground states as Florida,

Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania. However, some of his policies -- including new overtime regulations and his

push to eliminate rules designed to reduce repetitive-stress injuries -- carry a risk of alienating voters who

otherwise would lean toward supporting him.

Kerry says 'can-do' U.S. needs to raise minimum wage

Source: Patricia Wilson, Reuters

Candidate/Organization: John Kerry

Date: June 18, 2004

Democratic White House hopeful John Kerry proposed on Friday raising the minimum wage to $7 by

2007, a hike he said would allow struggling families to pay for 10 months of groceries or eight months of rent.

His plan to phase in an increase of $1.85 an hour would most benefit women, an important constituency in the

Nov. 2 presidential election, his campaign said. "You put in a week's work, you ought to be able to take care

of your family," Kerry told an invited audience at Northern Virginia Community College. "You ought to be able

to pay your bills."

Kerry proposes $7 minimum wage

Source: William L. Watts, CBS/MarketWatch, Investor's Business Daily

Candidate/Organization: John Kerry

Date: June 18, 2004

Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry called Friday for raising the

minimum wage by $1.85 an hour to $7 by 2007, saying the move would aid America's working women and their

families. The Kerry campaign highlighted a report released by the Economic Policy Institute, a liberal research

group, which said working women would be the top beneficiaries of a rise in the minimum wage to $7.

Bush, Democrats spar on jobs

Source: Reuters, CNN/Money

Candidate/Organization: Bush, Kerry

Date: June 19, 2004


Bush said Saturday the U.S. economy was gaining momentum and cited a drop in the unemployment rate in 46

states, as he sparred with Democrats over whether life was getting better for ordinary Americans. But Democrats

responded by accusing Bush of failing to stem the export of jobs overseas.

Wages in U.S. lag inflation, may blunt Bush fains from new jobs

Source: Art Pine, Bloomberg

Candidate/Organization: Bush, Kerry

Date: June 21, 2004

A 2.2 percent rise in wages in the 12 months through May has been more than offset by a 3.1

percent gain in consumer prices. It's unlikely that employees will get raises that outpace inflation over the

next five to 10 years, said William A. Niskanen, former acting chairman of the President's Council of Economic

Advisors during the Ronald Reagan administration.
"I don't see any substantial increase in average real

wages for some time,'' said Niskanen, who is now chairman of the Cato Institute, a Washington research group.

Niskanen and other economists cite global competition, which forces companies to keep costs down, shrinking

union clout and continuing slack in a labor market with an unemployment rate of 5.6 percent. The disparity

between pay and prices may keep President George W. Bush from fully capitalizing on the economy's addition of

1.2 million jobs this year as he runs for re-election, said political analysts including Thomas Mann of the

Brookings Institution in Washington.

Quality of new jobs is focus of election-year debate

Source: Jonathan Weisman, Nell Henderson, Washington Post

Candidate/Organization: Bush

Date: June 23, 2004

[A] MoveOn.org political ad, and a furious counteroffensive by President

Bush's reelection campaign, are crystallizing a burgeoning election-year debate over the quality of jobs being

added to the nation's payrolls. One key measure is wages. MoveOn intends the [ad] to play on worker anxiety

about the loss of relatively high-paying jobs, forcing breadwinners to accept lower-wage service jobs. The Bush

administration says that is a misleading picture. Most of the jobs created last month were in industries that

pay above-average wages, including health care, construction and financial services, the campaign says.

Democrats fear Boston police union may picket during party convention

Source: Steven Greenhouse, New York Times

Candidate/Organization: Kerry

Date: June 30, 2004

Municipal labor disputes hardly ever have national repercussions, but the

contract dispute involving [Boston]'s main police union is different, because it has begun to bedevil the

Democratic Party and could hurt Senator John Kerry's hopes of achieving party unity in the presidential

campaign. For many Democrats, the contract dispute is raising fears that the police union will picket during

the Democratic convention to be held here next month and that thousands of delegates will have to choose

between honoring the union's picket line or attending the convention.

How does it feel in the middle?

Source: Edmund L. Andrews, New York Times

Candidate/Organization: Bush, Kerry

Date: August 1, 2004

More than in any recent presidential election, the critical economic issue this year boils down to whether

middle-income people think they are being squeezed. President Bush, having weathered a recession and a

prolonged slump in jobs, passionately argues that they are not. His tax cuts, he says, are giving middle-income

families as well as the rich more money to spend and fueling a recovery that is finally producing more jobs.

Senator John Kerry just as passionately argues that working families are being left behind. Their incomes, he

says, are failing to keep up with soaring costs for health care, college tuition and other needs. Who is right?

The answer is far from clear, but a visit to Wisconsin Dells, a sprawling collection of water parks and roller

coasters about 60 miles north of Madison, offers some clues.

Jobs and the economy at 10 paces

Source: Dan Balz, David S. Broder, Washington Post

Candidate/Organization: Bush, Kerry

Date: August 1, 2004

President Bush and John F. Kerry dueled over the economy as they campaigned Saturday in two of the

nation's most jobs-sensitive states, intensifying their fight for control over a dozen-and-a-half

battlegrounds likely to decide the election. A mid-campaign look at those states, based on interviews with

Kerry staffers and officials of independent groups supporting his candidacy, state delegation leaders at the

Democratic National Convention, Bush campaign aides and GOP officials who set up a counter-headquarters in

Boston, as well as state polls, suggests that Campaign 2004 remains extraordinarily competitive with 93 days

left to the Nov. 2 election.

Shop the vote

Source: Daniel Gross, Slate

Candidate/Organization: Bush, Kerry

Date: August 11, 2004

We've got red-state and blue-state news channels, films, books, even musicians. Now

we've also got red-state, blue-state discount retailers. On the left: Costco Wholesale Corp. Last week,

Jeffrey Brotman and James Sinegal, chairman and chief executive office of Costco, respectively, joined the list

of executives who endorsed John Kerry for president. On the right: Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Founded in Arkansas (a

blue-turned-red state), it grew by spreading into the adjacent South and Great Plains. Like today's Republican

Party, it focuses intensely on rural areas and generally avoids cities.

Controversial overtime rules take effect

Source: Steven Greenhouse, New York Times

Candidate/Organization: Bush, Kerry

Date: August 23, 2004

The Bush

administration's new overtime rules go into effect today, but the Kerry campaign has already begun attacking

the overhauled regulations, saying they will hurt millions of American workers. Urging President Bush to scrap

the rules, the Kerry campaign and organized labor say the regulations will exempt up to six million additional

workers from receiving overtime pay by redefining which workers qualify for time-and-a-half pay when they work

more than 40 hours. But the administration asserts that no more than 107,000 workers will lose their

eligibility, while 1.3 million workers will gain the right to overtime.

Bringing family values to the workplace

Source: Thomas A. Kochan, Boston Globe

Candidate/Organization: Bush, Kerry

Date: August 29, 2004

The political debate over family values is turning to the

workplace. Whoever is in the White House must address updating America's 60-year-old employment practices to

create a flexible family-centered policy suited to the needs of the modern economy. Why? Today it takes two

working adults to make ends meet. Our workplace policies are still based on the 1930s assumption of a male

breadwinner with a wife at home. This model now fits less than one quarter of the workforce. Thus working

families and their employers have a big stake in modernizing workplace policies. Let's take a closer look at

the candidates' proposals.

It's not new jobs. It's all the jobs.

Source: Louis Uchitelle, New York Times

Candidate/Organization: Bush, Kerry

Date: August 29, 2004


that the work force is growing again, President Bush and Senator John Kerry have been arguing about the quality

of the newly created jobs--whether a majority are toward the higher or lower end of the wage scale. That is the

wrong debate. The real issue is not how well the new jobs pay, but whether the incomes of workers in general

are rising or falling. On the second score, there is not much to debate. The incomes of most workers, adjusted

for inflation, are sinking.

Economic squeeze plaguing middle-class families

Source: Timothy Egan, New York Times

Candidate/Organization: Bush, Kerry

Date: August 28, 2004

It is the

middle-class squeeze--rising college tuition and soaring health care premiums at a time when wages are stagnant

and job creation is sluggish--that may be the sleeper economic issue of the presidential campaign. Despite low

inflation, record home ownership and productivity, many middle-class households are close to a tipping point--a

bill or two away from losing economic control, surveys and interviews show. Even with the creation of a million

new jobs over the last year, the percentage of people who say the economy is in good shape has fallen as

Election Day approaches.

Democrats Turn to Minimum Wage as 2014 Strategy

Source: Jonathan Martin and Michael D. Shear, New York Times

Candidate/Organization: Democratic candidates

Date: December 29, 2013

Democratic Party leaders, bruised by months of attacks on the new health care program, have found an issue they believe can lift their fortunes both locally and nationally in 2014: an increase in the minimum wage.

Biden announces $775 billion plan to fund universal child care and in-home elder care

Source: Christina Wilkie, CNBC

Date: July 22, 2020

Former Vice President Joe Biden announced a sweeping new plan Tuesday that aims to fundamentally shift the way American families care for each other, both at the beginning of life and at the end.

Biden’s Disability Plan Could Close the Equal-Pay Loophole

Source: Sarah Katz, The Atlantic

Candidate/Organization: Democratic presidential candidates

Date: August 13, 2020

Although the Americans With Disabilities Act, passed 30 years ago this summer, protects people with disabilities from employment and pay discrimination, a little-known loophole allows employers that hold a special certificate to pay disabled workers less than the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour.

These companies are giving their employees the day off to vote

Source: Jordan Valinsky, CNN

Date: August 18, 2020

With an ongoing pandemic, the logistics of voting in this year's presidential election are making many Americans anxious -- even more so than in previous years.

Another coronavirus aid package is probably ‘not happening’ after August jobs report and deal to avoid government shutdown, analyst says

Source: Victor Reklaitis, MarketWatch

Date: September 8, 2020

Friday’s jobs report makes it more likely that Washington won’t deliver another big coronavirus aid package before the November election, according to some analysts.

Federal workers will soon see Trump bump in pay -- but there's a catch

Source: Tami Luhby, CNN

Date: September 14, 2020

Many federal workers will soon see a few hundred dollars more in their paychecks, thanks to a coronavirus relief measure signed last month by President Donald Trump.

Why the Trump administration is slashing anti-discrimination training

Source: Derrick Clifton, NBC News

Date: September 15, 2020

The Trump administration announced two moves last week that target diversity training at federal agencies and public school lessons about American slavery.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo Issues Executive Order Giving New Yorkers More Options For Voting In Presidential Election

Source: CBS New York, CBS New York

Date: September 16, 2020

New Yorkers Can Vote In-Person, Mail In Ballots Or Drop Off Absentee Ballots At Designated Sites

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