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Your Rights
Sample Letters of Appeal for the Recently Terminated Employee

Example 1: Professional/Management Level Downsized Employee

Mary T. Lesser
Marketing Analyst
222 Second Street
Second City, IL 55555
January 1, 2000

Mr. Barry Berry
Vice President of Operations
New Wave Surf Boards
First City, IL 55556

Dear Mr. Berry:

As you are aware, New Wave Surf Boards has recently undergone divisional restructuring. Part of this restructuring included elimination of my position from marketing.

I was informed that the reason my position was chosen for elimination was that my area of specialty, the East Coast market, was not essential to the company's continued growth.

I believe that before my termination is final, my contributions to the marketing department should be reviewed. I have developed unique contacts in the East Coast market, but have never been given the opportunity to develop other markets or new strategies for existing markets. My last appraisal indicated that the company was aware of and appreciated my creativity, innovation and hard work. I have consistently shown good results in the difficult East Coast market.

I would like the opportunity to discuss my selection for termination. I believe that I have unique skills that will increase New Wave Surf Board's market share, which I know is of utmost importance to the company.

Thank you for taking the time to read and consider my request. I will contact you next week to set up a convenient time for us to meet. If you have any questions, please call me.


Mary T. Lesser

Example 2: Terminated or Downsized For Alleged Poor Performance

Pat Smith
Media Director
1111 First Street
Walnut City, NV 55555
January 1, 2000

Ms. Martha Kraft
Bells & Whistles Section
Hoopla Corporation
999 Ninth Street
Hazelnut City, NV 55554

Dear Ms. Kraft:

Thank you for taking the time to read and consider my letter. As you may know, I have been notified that my employment with Hoopla Corporation will end as of January 3, 2000. I was told that the reason for this decision was poor performance on my part.

I believe that a mistake has been made in my case. I have worked for this company for eight years and consistently received good performance evaluations, until a new supervisor was hired this past year. Mr. Goves has been my supervisor for only six months and has had little opportunity to see my work firsthand. He never warned me that he thought my performance was substandard. I understand that Mr. Groves' nephew, Rick, is to take my position when I am gone.

I do not believe that I have been given an adequate opportunity to demonstrate or discuss my skills with Mr. Goves. I also believe that my termination is unfair since I never received any indication that my performance was poor.

I would like the opportunity to discuss my situation with you. Please let me know when you are available.


Pat Smith

Example 3: Using Handbook Appeals Procedure

Jay Washington
3333 Third Street
Nevermore, MD 55557
January 1, 2000

Kathleen Brooks
Machine Machinery
5555 Fifth Street
Nevermore, MD 55558

Dear Ms. Brooks:

I was recently notified that my employment with Machine Machinery will be ending as of February 1, 2000. Our company handbook states that I have the right to challenge termination, and I would like to take advantage of this right to discuss with you the reasons that Machine Machinery should retain me in its employ.

According to the handbook, the first step is a meeting between the employee and his supervisor. Therefore, I request that we meet as soon as possible. I am available any afternoon or evening this week.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Jay Washington

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